Chapter Thirty-Six

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Rory raised a brow at her boyfriend, "Tim, did you not hear what I just said?" she giggled.

Shaking his head, Tim was brought out of his shocked state and a hopeful smile grew on his face. "You mean it? This is something you want?"

Nodding quickly, Rory smiled at him. "I've wanted this for a long time, I was just so scared that you didn't love me anymore,"

Cupping her face, Tim looked down at her. "Rory, I've loved you since we were kids. I've watched you change from my best friend to the love of my life. There is no way I could ever stop loving you."

Blinking back tears, Rory chuckled. "You've really got the emotional part down, huh?"

Tim leaned down and kissed away the stray tears, "I've been thinking about this moment for a while," he admitted. "There aren't enough words in any language I know that can describe how much I love you."

Reaching into his pocket, Tim felt around before his face went blank.

"For someone who has been waiting for this," Tim scratched the back of his neck, a flustered look on his face. "I somehow forgot to get a ring."

"That's why I came prepared,"

Tim watched Rory dig into her pocket and place her hand in his. "Think this will work?"

Turning his hand over, Tim opened it to see a ring resting in his palm. It wasn't just any ring either, it was the ring he gave to her all those years ago back when he first promised to marry her.

The black stone glittered in the sun, looking like the night sky.

"You kept it?" Tim tore his eyes away from the ring and looked at Rory, her eyes shining much like the ring in his hand.

"Of course I did, you gave it to me." she smiled, "I kept that ring with me every day, hoping that one day we would get to keep our promise."

Holding it in his fingers, Tim's face grew into a grin. "If I'm going to do this, then I am going to do it right."

"Oh my God, Tim don't you dare!" she laughed, "Dinah and Oli are probably watching us!"

"I don't seem to remember caring," Tim took her hand in his and got down on one knee and looked up at Rory with all the love he held for her in his heart.

"Aurora James Sonnet-Queen, will you marry me?"

The words were barely out of his mouth before Rory nodded excitedly. "Yes!" She watched as Tim slid the ring onto her finger before getting to his feet and sweeping her up into a kiss.

Tim's arms wound themselves around her waist, Rory's wrapping around his shoulders. Tightening his grip on her, Tim lifted Rory off the ground and spun her around with her feet dangling in the air.

Rory couldn't contain the happiness swelling up inside her, she hadn't been this happy in a long time, and damn did it feel good. For once, Rory finally felt like her life was getting back on track.

Setting her back on the ground, Tim's hands went from her waist to cup her face. Breaking the kiss slightly, he brushed his nose against hers as their breaths mingled. He could feel her smile softly and pecked her lips.

"I love you, so fucking much." he smiled.

Rory slid her hand up and placed it over his, "I love you, too."

Glancing at her hand, Tim took it and placed a kiss on it, his smile not fading. "I'll get you a real engagement ring, I promise."

"I don't need another ring, Tim." she giggled, "All I need is you."

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