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Spending the night at a motel only to return to the park around noon, I spend a few hours traipsing threw the outskirts and a little on the trails but found nothing of interest. I had heard that once someone entered these woods they would never be seen again and yet here I am, not to my surprise.

Deciding Ide have better luck later in the day, I spent the remainder of sunlight shopping for camping supplies, acquiring a nice sized tent, a sleeping bag, a cot, along with some cooking accessories and food. everything on sale, obviously.

I returned to the clearing where I had confronted those thugs just before sunset, there seemed to be a bit more blood staining the grasses then I remember leaving but its not like I stuck around to see how long they remained in the area. After setting up my little makeshift HQ I began collecting materials for a fire, I had dug a good sized pit to set it up and smores where awaiting my successful return, I was walking back with an arm load of dry sticks when the craziest thing happened, I tripped and fell, face first into what I can only assume to be a bog. I was covered head to toe in smelly green mud.

"What the hell! do you only do your job when I don't want you too?" yelling into the darkening sky was useless however, I wonder what brought this on, the only time my luck has let me down was when a small amount of bad luck looked better then worse luck, but what could be worse then falling into a bog?

I sat up, readjusting the hem of my now dirty jacket, before I can begin retrieve the sticks however the bushes adjacent to me began to rustle. my first assumption was a small animal until a hand with long claw like fingers emerged, then a humanlike head that gazed at me with hollow unblinking milky eyes, the flesh around its mouth pulled back as though it lacked lips, not a hair or cloth covered its twisted body. I sucked in a breath, Is this the monster that I was looking for? it doesn't look like the one that old fellow described, it never crossed my mind that more then one inhuman being may be roaming this forest, I was even skeptical in the story to begin with.

The creature kept its gaze on me, slowly approaching with cracking joints and skinny limbs, it crawled its way over. This is it, I can finally be finished with my quest, take that you stinking luck.

I win.

Good Luck! // Creepypasta x lucky readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora