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I remained unmoved, the Slenderman faced away from me though he had stilled. Masky had turned his attention to him, and nodded his head with affirmation as though they had conversed, Masky made his way to stand before me looking (up/down) into my (e/c) eyes from behind his mask, he sighed.

Next thing I know there is a gun in my face, the action so swift I'm unable to blink, I am however unsurprised, keeping a stoic face. I did find the situation amusing, Hoodie and Skully had positioned themselves behind me, quiet close might I say, I could feel them breathing on my neck. Toby had shuffled forward, preparing to either catch or attack me depending on how I handle the event.

Masky's brown eyes held a dark glint and no hesitation, the barrel of a gun looks far darker and endless then I had imagined, I would almost say this situation is promising, however.

"You cant kill me" Masky answered with a hum, giving a small glance back to Slenderman who was over viewing the situation with interest. He returned his attention to me before I heard a light 'click', there was a pause then another 'click, click', Masky pulled his gun away and examined it.

"It jammed..."

I scoffed, shaking my head. Masky backed off and returned to his professional standing, stashing his weapon to his jacket.

Slenderman was thinking to himself, rubbing the bridge of where his nose would be. He seemed a little embarrassed by the failed display, though I could be seeing thing.

".̶.͝.̧Yo͏u҉ ҉w͡i͟sh͘ ͘t͘o͞ di͘e?̡"̕

I straightened myself, a small grin on my lips and hope in my heart.

"I do"

"The͞n͜ ̀w̛o͏rk for̶ me"

"I didn't come here to work, I came here to die"

"̨yo҉u͏ ͝w҉il͘l ̡ha͝v̶e p̛leńty ̀ơf ̵cḩanc҉e͞s ͘in the f̸u͢t̷ure"̨

I suddenly felt exhausted, this was not how I had envisioned this going, not even close, with a loud sigh I looked back up at the tall being, mentally preparing myself for what is to come from the consequences of my answer.

"I refuse"

Good Luck! // Creepypasta x lucky readerWhere stories live. Discover now