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We gave each other a nod, Toby and Liu standing ready with weapons drawn as I approached the large padlock with the stolen key ring.

I took a deep breath as the lock snapped open and was pulled off, I steadily opened the door and stepped out of the way as the two dashed inside, I followed slowly after when I had not heard a ruckus from the two.

The room was large, plated with metal lining, it was cold and damp, but obviously recently implemented into the buildings design. Large thick steel bars cut the room in half, melting into the floor and the roof, behind those bars where the two figures we had been on the hunt for.

Cody had already gained the attention of Toby who reached though the barrier and franticly tugging at the chain around his wrists, he was filling Toby in on there capture, shaking his head in irritation for his misfortune.

Liu stood quietly in the corner, twirling the blade in his hand, he was fidgeting with the stained object, filling in his boredom by counting the cips.

Where there not two captives? I could have sworn The Slenderman mentioned another name, Cat or something.

The room was dark in comparison to the hallway, but sure enough huddled in the darkest corner of the cell was a figure in a white hoodie, there long disheveled black hair covered most of there form as they shook and gurgling lowly, seemingly not have noticed are intrusion.

Cody had his eyes on Liu, untrustingly but also slightly surprised, it was apparent he knew who he was, but when he looked in my direction his eyes narrowed, looked me up and down before getting Toby attention and nodding my way.

"Who is that?"

Toby threw a glance over his shoulder and laughed "Remember that (guy/girl) you met at the coffee s-shop? that's them" he leaned closer to Cody and whispered in his ear.

Cody's jaw dropped, his piercing electric green eyes softened slightly, he nodded at me, only to become serious when he notice the state of his partner in the corner.

"Kate's not doing too well Toby, she can't stand the lights, too bright here, to loud, she's breaking down".

Toby dropped the chain, not getting anywhere with brute force "Smlog pass me the backpack"

I could feel my eye twitch, that the furthest from the alias he had come, he's the one who came up with it and I can't tell if he is doing it on purpose, but he is definitely the kind of guy who would do so just to bug me.

Regardless I relive my shoulders of the carrier and lob it over along with the keys, he smiled and whispering "Ill make sure this gets back to camp" softly.

He tried many keys on the ring, smiling when the lock finally clicked, and the brace clanged onto the floor.

Instantly the room flashed red, a loud siren blared though the building, I had to cover my ears as the noise echoed around the metal room.

Everyone froze, Kate began to scream and cower further into the corner before hastily crawling along the floor to cling against the cold bars before Toby, who removed the brace from her wrists.

Liu was frantic, he nabbed the ring out of Toby's hands when Kate's chain fell, he stood before the gate, steading his hands and swiftly blew through the keys, not even one opened the lock.

"Damn it, give me a hand with this dogs! I'm not getting caught today!"

Toby and I stood by Liu and clung to the gate's bars, tugging with all are might, it moved, but just barely.

Everyone was sweating, the stress of the situation increased as the alarm continued its loud ringing, Cody had begun throwing his weight on the other side of the gate, desperately aiding are assist in his rescue.

"Shit! Kate, give us a hand would you!"

Cody's voice reached just over the sound of the blare, Kate's body jerked as she stood, sauntering over looking half dead, black tar fell from her mouth and the smell of rot snuck behind my mask when she placed herself in front of me, I wanted to back away and gag but in this situation that the last priority on my list, for a second I though are eyes connecter, though hers where covered well behind her bangs, she growled and choked before ramming her shoulder into the gate with great force.

The gate rattled and I was almost pushed back, with another hard inhuman shove from her the gate flew open, sending Liu, Toby, and I backwards.

Cody cheered, leaving the bared area with a hop, he helped Toby stand then offered a hand to me, I gratefully took it and was effortlessly pulled to my feet.

"Thanks for the save, if you get out ill buy you a drink" Cody locked his arm around mine and Toby grabbed the other, they both smiled as they began tugging me to the cell.

"W-wait...what happening here...?"

Cody looked skeptically at Toby who hummed knowingly, Liu sighed and rubbed his forehead "you didn't tell them did you?"

My breath hitched, tell me what exactly? I didn't have time to struggle free before Toby answered.

"Where's the fun in that!" he laughed as I was pushed into the cell, the gate locking behind me.

"Well, don't forget to give Jeff a smack for me, it was a fun trip, lets do this again (Y/N)" Liu shot me a gin and a shrug, giving me a thumbs up before heading for the door "have fun kid".

I tugged on the gate, the thing did not budge, I glared hard at Toby who smiled gently.

"The others didn't think you where ready but... when you fried that guy, I thought maybe there is a chance..." The calmness in his voice was soft, he looked lost in though while staring into my wide eyes.

"...You set me up..." I was in disbelief, the blood on my hands felt strangely heavy, was everything in vein? why is it that whenever I fell like I'm starting to settle down everything goes to shit?

"Perhaps... its kina are thing you know..." a hint of sympathy flashed in his eye but was replaced with mischief "Don't you worry though, Slender said you would figure things out!"

Cody tugged on Toby's sweater sleeve "We have to go man, we are out of time".

Toby nodded and took one last look at me before throwing the backpack over his shoulder and turning for the exit.

"Don't you worry..." his words where not for me but for himself, I watched as his figure disappeared into the hall.

Cody propped Kate on his shoulder, she looked half unconscious but functional, Cody smiling freely as he followed out the room, leaving me alone in the metal cage.

not five minutes later a rush of footsteps grew from the hall, the door was shoved open, a large group of military personnel dressed in white entered, assault rifles raised and aimed, there red dots enveloping my body, searching for hostility.

I stay seated on the cold floor, raising my hands in defeat and sorrow.

once more...I am left alone.

but this time...It was not I who left.

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