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The roof of the apartment complex allowed us a good view of town, Christmas lights and colourful ornaments did not distract us from noticing the amount of government vehicles that lined the streets.

"That's a lot of guys" Liu whispered under his breath, he didn't look worried, more irritated over the sudden intensity.

We followed Toby over the ledge onto the opposite connected building, he looked from left to right before advancing quickly, jumping the slim junction between the opposing buildings.

"Stay there, I need to check something quickly, don't kill my partner while I'm gone Liu"

Before he vanished over the next junction he yelled over his shoulder.

"And Smoggly, don't die"

With that I was left alone with Liu, thankfully he seemed to be a decent enough guy, he has yet to try to stab me with that twelve inch blade he has stuffed in the pocked of his black duffel coat.

He and I stood a respectable distance from one another, Masky said that Anti-CPs where blatantly insane, feral even, hard to believe when the guys standing calmly observing the landscape.

"What's your name? that dog can't seem to decide" he didn't remove his eyes from the town, he probably doesn't expect me to answer considering I haven't said a word since are encounter.

But Toby's not here.

I looked him over, its not like ill lose anything, but I won't gain anything either.

Grumbling I shifted on my feet, Liu looked over, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"...So that's how it is then, ill call you whatever. You don't look the type The Slenderman likes to have around him, perhaps his tastes have change, or your just fodder"

He joined me sitting against the stair well, rewrapping his scarf comfortably around his neck.

"Heard your the one there sending in for the breakout, my brother can rot in there for all I care but Sully gets bored without him around"

'Sully?' My head tilted in confusion, friend of his maybe.

Liu smirked "Sully's... complicated, doesn't like people but hates my brother with the heat of a hundred suns, Make that a thousand"

Oh, well shit he has DID, that makes sense, I've met someone like him when-

"When you meet my brother tell him I said hi would you, then punch him for me, right in his smiling face"

He chuckled darkly, I'm not sure how he expects me to do that when I don't know who his brother is.

"looks like Toby's back, good talk um..Smu..."

"Smudgy" I mumbled softly, just loud enough to reach his ears

He looked perplexed, a grin slowly spread across his scarred face, as stupid of a name as it is, I am not about to give someone name Homicidal Liu any tip off for who I am.

Toby broke into are conversation, "I found the station, hurry your asses up we are running out of time" fresh blood dripped from the hatches on his hips, his cloths splattered from his torso to his face.

Gross, the guy cant keep his head low long enough to be trusted alone.

Liu and I got to are feet, Liu's face looked disgusted, hard to believe blood would be the probable so it must be Toby himself, "Are you telling me you got lost the moment we entered the town and then got caught while trying to navigate the rooftops?"

Toby acted offended, gasping dramatically and holding his hand to his chest "What of course not, I never get caught"

He didn't deny he was lost though.

Toby lead us over a number of buildings, creeping behind obstacles to hide from some guys with flashlights, they don't look like any federal agent I've ever seen in movies, but they definitely have something about them I don't like.

"That's it, the station that holding the Proxies, lots of officers down there Toby, what are you going to do?"

"Obviously I'm going to kick in the door-"

"If you do that, I'm not following you and I'm taking Smudgy home with me"

Toby glared at me threw the orange lenses "The hell, you guys get all buddy buddy while I was gone for five minutes?"

I shrugged, we didn't have that personal of a talk, Liu is just trying to pull Toby's hair.

"How about we-" Toby cut Liu off.


"You didn't even listen to what I was going to say!"

"Its something stupid"

Liu sighs heavily "Why did I agree to assist you assholes, your worse then that short masked guy who shot me"

"You did not just compare me to Masky"

Here we go again, arguing like children.

I glance at the screen on my phone, we do not have time for this, the transport truck is going to arrive at any moment, if they aren't going to do anything then I will.

I dialed the number.

"911 what's you emergency?"

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