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A soft thud, a muffled sob, the action was suspiciously quiet for a murder.

The man lay before me, limp against the hardwood floor with his eyes wide and dull, a large quantity of blood leaked from the thin line on his throat and settling in a quickly expanding pool, the wound was obviously deeper than it looks, yet had there been no blood anyone could have mistook him for faint.

Liu's action was quick, clean, I didn't understand my feeling of the situation, I'm bias on needing to kill him rather then knocking the guard unconscious, at the same time I'm a little jealous, such a peaceful end, so painless and unexpecting.

Liu wiped the bloodied knife against his sleeve, his eyes still numb. Toby inspected the corpse, patting the body down thoroughly.

I could not look away from the dullness of Liu's eyes, the smile on his face had vanished the same as the light in the officers eyes, he looked unsatisfied.

"Stop staring, ill cut you next pup" He growled, exiting to the hallway in quick long strides.

I suppose Sully is the overbearing one while Liu keeps his cool.

I shook my head and crouched beside Toby, he was having trouble lifting the overweight man. I cringe when the lukewarm blood began to seep through my gloves, Toby snorted at my hesitation, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Come on, lift with your legs"

I did as told, lifting the man along with Toby until the body elevated enough for Toby to empty his front pockets, retrieving a key ring and ID.

After gently replacing him to the floor I wiped my stained gloves onto my pants, I liked these pants and now there ruined, I mildly liked this sweater and now it ruined, the only apparel I have on my person not drenched in someone else's life liquid is the funky mask. I wonder if Toby will allow me to keep it once this is all over.

Toby handed me the loot and threw the backpack into my arms "Lets go (Y/N), its not a gr-good idea to waist any more time"

I agreed, we spent enough time fooling around.

I exited the storage, looking up and down the bland empty hallway, following the bloody footprints Liu left with Toby at my side.

We didn't get far when a loud scream erupted in another room, I picked up my pace and carful peeked around the corner of the doorway, in the middle of the bloody floor lay a young woman in uniform, Liu's knife deeply imbedded in her chest, her firearm inches away from her lifeless fingertips.

Balled In the corner of the room shielding his head with his arms was what I can guess is a young man, cuffs rest around both his wrists, he trembled vigorously.

A dull slap drew my attention, Liu sat atop a young officer, his fists where bloody and he held a stern scowl, his teeth bared in aggression, the male officers face was badly beaten, his consciousness slowly slipping.

Liu growled as Toby approached, ripping Liu off the male and leaning forward.

"Come on Homicidal, you have to be fair" Toby's fingers twitched as he reached for his belt, The officer attempted to compose himself, desperately clawing at the tiled floor but slipping in his partners blood and sending him back to his knees.

Toby chuckled, stepping on the guys hand, a gravely crunch made my fist ball, just do it already the guy is crying.

I distracted myself with the guy in the corner, he had peaked at us until he caught me staring, Liu followed my gaze, leaving Toby to his fun.

"Found him sooner then I thought, lets grab him and go" He seemed irritated, done with the mission that had been pushed on him, unfortunately...

"He is not who we are here for" I could barley hear myself talk over the screams Toby where causing, but I dare not look back.

Liu rolled his eyes and traced the scars on his face "So he's just some random guy? had I known that I would not have left him commutable"

Liu crouched down in front of the curled shivering body "Look at me"

The boy did not move, Liu grabbed his chin forcing his head up "Look at me"

I was shocked, was not expecting to see this guy here, I chuckled in amazement, I had almost forgotten about this guy.

There shivering in the corner, tears falling down his plump cheeks was none other then the hoodlum himself, Biggy.

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