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"You want me to fight you!?" oh this should be good.

Hoodie scoffed "not me, Skully will be your opponent, he's more of are information runner and surveillance"

I see, so they are starting easy on me, shame, I wanted to go all out.

"We will be watching your movement, your judgment, and your overall performance, afterword we can work on your weaker qualities, though I'm not expecting much" Hoodie said the last part under his breath though I still heard it.

I chose to ignore the remark but Masky nudged Hoodies shoulder with his own, Masky had seen me in action before, he seemed to have higher hopes about the outcome.

I stood where Hoodie had instructed and glanced at Skully who stood across from me, he seemed exited to be paired for a fight, all the timidness had left him and was replaced with an empty shell, though he was standing before me he gave off no presence, I couldn't even hear him breathing anymore.

I stood on guard as Toby rose his hand "B-begin"

Although the round had started neither side moved, I tried to get as much insight to Skully's moves as possible, but he was as still as a statue, he just stared at me, his eerie skull like mask blank of life. I decided to take the initiative to close the distance, I sped forward, that was my seconded mistake of the day, the first was forgetting these guys are professionals.

I had not the time to blink before a fist connected with my cheek, I stood stunned as a trickle of blood falling from my lips, I just barely managed to dodge another punch and take a step back, Skully however did not follow me and remained where he stood.

I glance at the three standing off to the side, they watched intently, wanting to know how I will go about dealing with this situation. I spat the blood from my mouth and wiped my lips with my sleeve, Hoodie was right, Skully's not the strongest but damn is he fast.

I once again train my eyes on Skully, I can't out speed him, so I need a way to slow him down. My eyes catch a stich on the lower area of his jacked, faded blood stain surrounded it, an old injury perhaps, its just above his hip, I'm a little sorry for what I'm about to do but you hit me first.

I started forward again, slower, steadier, showing less intention in my movement, retaining eye contact.

Skully began to circle, changing his strategy, I followed, inching closer step by step until I was a good two feet away before lunging at him, he attempted to sock me again but I was not about to fall for the same trick twice.

I spun around his extended fist and planed my elbow into his abdomen, exactly on the stitched area, Skully gasped, quickly making distance from me.

I advanced, not letting up my blows, he became guarded of that one area of his body, though I had managed to slow him a bit he was not making this easy, my nose had begun to bleed from a nasty left hook, my torso already forming bruises, I caught myself smiling during the brawl however, a jolt of newfound excitement flashed threw me.

I took another blow to the face, I wiped my nose with my hand, pulling it away to stare at the blood, chuckling as the liquid continued to ooze from my nostril, I was losing and honestly it pissed me off, but I should have expected no less.

Then a thought occurred to me, they never said I had to win.

I tried to catch my breath and prepared to close the distance once more however Masky put himself between us.

"That is enough, go clean up and prepare to go into town" he looked me over and nodded to himself "could have been worse"

Once Masky was out of ear shot, Hoodie chucked me a face cloth "A little cheap to aim for his injury" he sighs dramatically, as though a memory had replayed in his head "you did ok I suppose, weren't knocked out instantly"

I could not help but smile smugly at him "better then when I hit you in the head with a stick?"

"Lucky Shot"


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