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we play some more games of among us, ive won two games of impostor and im honestly proud of myself. tommy and i were teamed one round, wilbur interrogating him and finding out to be correct. i flew under the radar the whole game. probably my cleanest game. "how's it feel to be carried by a woman" i say to tommy after, everyone joining the lobby for the next game. "oh shut it, i was obviously targeted" "i just think you're bad" i laugh, almost hearing him roll his eyes.

soon everyone starts to say their goodbyes, leaving a few of us in the vc. tommy, tubbo, niki and i talked for a bit after getting off of among us. they ended their streams and soon after i decided too. "i'll be right back, gonna end off my stream" i say, deafening and muting myself. i thank the chat for coming and all the donos. i wave bye to my camera, then end stream.

"ivy, i'd love to get to know you, you seem so sweet" niki says, in her adorable accent. i quite love how my name is said in many accents. especially a british accent. "i'd love to get to know you guys more too !" i smile, sitting back in my chair. we have small talk, niki soon turning on her cam to show off her new kitten. eventually tommy and tubbo follow, so i decide to join them.

i sit back with my legs up to my chest, pulling my mic closer to me. tubbo plays one of his favorite zelda songs on his keyboard and tommy is busy clicking away doing something. niki smiles and claps as tubbo finishes, i join her. soon tommy sits back in his chair, joining in on the conversation.

i decide to make some food, turning off my cam and muting myself. i make some ramen and make my way back to my computer, pushing my keyboard up to make space for my ramen. everyone's still chatting away, i unmute and welcome myself back. "so like- hi ivy!" tommy says, his mood changing instantly. i smile, turning my cam back on to join the rest of them. i put on an oversized hoodie, big enough to put my legs in when i with them to my chest. i stretch my hoodie over my legs and eat my ramen, joining in on the convo here and there.

"what if ivy joined the smp?" i heard niki say softly, i look up from my ramen. "well that's dreams decision" tommy says, still sitting back in his chair but swivelling his chair back and forth. "you guys don't have to go out of your way for that" i say, smiling at the gesture.

soon it's nine, two am for the rest of them. "isn't it late ?" i say, finishing my ramen and placing my bowl down. "2 am? nah, who do you think i am, a child !?" tommy says, laughing after. "actually i do-" "don't answer that" he cuts me off, causing me to laugh. "how old are you ivy ?" tubbo asks, looking up at his camera. "im 16" i reply. im the same age as tubbo and tommy and its really cool to see people my age as successful as they've gotten. i'm not very big on youtube and i have about 20k followers on twitch, with an average of 5-8k viewers. it really depends on the game, and day. sometimes my viewers go down and that unmotivates me, since people seem to be getting bored and not wanting to watch.

tubbo heads off to sleep, along with niki. leaving just tommy and i. "you seem really chill, im looking forward to getting to know you more" tommy says, which surprises me. "oh? thank you, id love to get to know you more" i smile, watching his cam. he now has on a hoodie, he was wearing his iconic red and white shirt that he seems to have five pairs of. he looks cute in a hoodie. what!? calm yourself ivy. you're funny.

eventually tommy decides to leave, we say our goodbyes and leave the call. i sit back in my chair again, thinking about what just happened. i got to meet so many big creators i look up to and maybe get a chance to get close to them ? woah. i close discord, turning my computer on sleep and climbing into bed. it's about 10 now, which is really early for me. but today has been very eventful.

i wake up, deciding to have an early stream. i brush my hair and make sure i look presentable. i start my stream, welcoming chat in. "hello everyone ! early stream today ! welcome in !" i smile, reading chat. "not sure what to play, so right now let's just chat ! maybe a qna ?" i smile. i read some questions off chat and some donos. "where are you from? i currently live in florida" i smile. "thank you enternamehere12 for the dono, don't most your friends live in england ? yeah ! sadly im friends with the brits" i laugh, knowing tommy would have something to say about that.

"holy fuck !!! thank you chickendaisies for the 600 dollar dono ?! youre fucking insane what the hell !" i read that dono in disbelief, the message makes it even better. "go say hi to your british friends. love you ! keep up the amazing work ivy <3" i read out, in utter belief. "oh my god you're fucking mental, you can charge back i dont need that kind of money !" i reply, reading chat. "no way in hell im charging back, treat yourself" they say in chat. "you guys are so fucking amazing, i love y'all" i smile.

tubbo pops in chat for a bit, tommy soon following after. i chat awhile with chat then say my goodbyes, thanking everyone for the donos and the subs. "you guys are fucking insane, thank you so much. you guys mean the world to me. huge ass thank you to enternamehere12, a generous ass regular !" i smile. saying my goodbyes then ending stream.

look - tommyinnitМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя