Final notes

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Congratulations! If you're reading this, it means that you finished my story :D That or you just skipped the chapters or you are new and wanted some spoilers...

So, you finished my story! Thank you for reading, voting and commenting it! I hope you enjoyed it.

I want to be clear, George and Dream are real people, don't force this story and ship to them, they said they were comfortable with the shipping but if they change their minds I will delete this story. This is just for fun and not meant to be taken seriously. 

Honestly, I want to write more stories! But I have no ideas of what they could be about, so... If any of you have any suggestions or ideas, I will be happy to consider them! I don't accept stories with strong TW because I'm weak, no smut, no gore, no suicide and things like that, I'm trying to be family friendly and I'm not brave enough to make stories with sad endings.

I guess that's all I wanted to say, I think I forget something but... Meh.

Thank you again and I hope that I will be able to update a new story very soon.


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