Best Friends Forever

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The coordinates were really, really far away. Why they had to be in the south? Stupid spell, why things had to be always difficult? George and Sapnap's been walking for two days. Yeah, probably they should have borrowed a horse, but as much embarrassing it was, George didn't know how to ride them, and Sapnap was too busy from sneaking past his mother that he forgot to take one. 

George considered to use swiftness potions, but then he realized that probably it was for the best to keep them in case of an emergency, he didn't made that many because, obviously, he never considered that Sapnap would be his company. Getting the ingredientes? well, that was easy, but making the potions? It was impossible without his brewing stand.

Speaking of ingredients, they needed to get to a village soon, they were runing out of food and water, and probably they could have an alchemist to let George make more potions, or at least buying more.

"Are we there yet?" Sapnap asked for the thousandth time, George sighed loudly.

"No Sapnap, we're not there yet, not even close."

"Man, my knees are killing me, I never thought that Dream could be this fat and heavy." Sapnap joked, raising a shoulder to indicate his backpack.

"You shouldn't be talking about him like that, he probably would be upset when he returns."

"Nah, he used to have a good sense of humor... Or probably not, he literally wheezed about everything without even being funny in the first place." Sapnap smiled at the memory.

"I wish I could've had the chance to hear it."

"Yeah! You would probably be crying on the floor from laughter, it was really contagious."

George chuckled. Thinking about Dream, if they had met, would they be good friends? Would George have laughed with him to the point of wheezing? Would they have had things in common?

"Hey, wanna know a secret?" Sapnap suddenly spoke.

"What is it?" George asked, now curious.

"Dream used to talk a lot about you." Sapnap smiled at George's face of surprise, did he?

"Yeah? But we never met or spoke, what would he say about me?"

"Well, he mostly wanted to meet you, he said that he was interested in those magic things that you do. And it must be so weird to think, but he was really shy."

"Oh? I never thought that Dream could have wanted to be friends with me, why he didn't tried?"

"I told you, he was really shy. I tried to introduce him to you, dragging him for the whole castle, he almost broke a wall when he ran away!! And hid inside a hay bale for two hours until I find him." Sapnap smirked as George laughed.

George could never imagine that the legendary hero of the North Kingdom could be that childish and messy. And he couldn't help but feel a little flustered fot he fact that Dream was that shy when it comes to George.

"Hey, according to this map, we're getting close to a village." George changed the subject.

"Finally! My legs are about to break alone."

"Mine too, we should rest in an inn tonight."

"Yeahhh! I was tired of making torches to keep the zombies away."

"Yeah Sapnap, now you can rest in a comfy bed like you deserve."

They walked a few meters until finally they were able to see the village, it was a little small, but crowdy and they could even see the inn from afar, they arrived in about time, because the sun already set and the Iron golems were ready to patrol the village entrances.

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