The End?

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George woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Or probably not, because the whole kingdom apparently did the same. The enviroment, the sky, the people's appareance, everything, looked gray, so dead an dull. Like all the colors of the spectrum were just bleached and drained from existence. Maybe it was on purpose, because a few days ago a big tragedy happened, and the whole realm was still mourning the loss.

Dream. The biggest, strongest warrior, died in the battlefield, fighting for his home, for his people and for his king. He leaded thousands of people in the battle, trained the next generation of soldiers, helped in the hard moments, shared his food with starving children, the legendary hero of the North Kingdom. And he still fighted and lasted in his last moments, stopping or at least delaying the invasion of the South Kingdom, an unfair attack, a fake promise of an alliance, ending in betrayal with a bittersweet victory.

He never got the chance to meet Dream in person, George was always a bookworm, hiding in his workspace, reading and making all kind of potions. George's the royal alchemist. So he got the freedom to live and roam around the castle. Providing his potions to the soldiers and the royal family. But he didn't met Dream, ha has seen him from afar, but nothing else, it was nothing bad or weird, George was naturally antisocial, he didn't need to talk with the soldiers anyway, when he was giving them they weekly ration of potions they always sended the same guy to retrieve them. He once caught a glimpse of Dream in the background, and wearing that creepy and at the same time funny white mask with a smiley-face on it. Because even thought Dream was known fot the whole realm to be the most powerful warrior, still nobody knew his real face, a mistery that not even the king was able to know about it. It could be something suspicious, but Dream remained loyal and humble to his home without showing his identity.

So yeah, George once caught Dream staring at him from afar, but he immediately looked away. Nothing from the other world. But now that Dream is gone, George was feeling the same as the whole kingdom, sadness and despair, like if he just losed a member of his own family.

He got up from bed at the speed of a turtle, feeling sleepless, he should get a new mattress.

The day passed so slow, without any difference from yesterday. Dream really took away the brightness of the castle, isn't he? Everyone, every servant, guard, soldier and royal family member was in a gloomy mood, no one was making conversations, smiling or something that require more physical effort, it was like the time George mistook the potions and a few soldiers drank slowness potion, all of them was slow, barely speaking to even say hello.

Heck, even the weather was sad! Probably the mother nature was still crying, because it's been raining nonstop for at least 48 hours.

George was almost sleeplily brewing some potions, were they for invisibility or healing? He couldn't recall, but who cares at the time? No one was in the mood to work properly. Then the door slammed open, making him almost dropping one glass bottle. A black haired boy entered the room, George noticed that he was wearing his white bandana instead of a crown.

"Hey! The hinges are new!" George yelled.

"Sorry, I was running in the hallway and couldn't stop."

"Sapnap, what do you want?"

"Why are you assuming that I want something? I could be coming just to say hi to my favorite alchemist of the castle."

"Yeah, I really doubt that you ran from the other side of the castle to get into my tower just to say hello."

Sapnap is the king's son, and therefore the prince, but he usually likes to pretend that he's not to avoid his responsabilities, and George couldn't blame him, sometimes the aristocracy was really boring. And Sapnap wanted to be a warrior, like Dream.

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