Free The End

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George was terrified.

Of course he's never been in combat before, and he still isn't, because he and Bad have done a good job at hiding so far, but they knew that confrontation will be inevitable.

"George, do you have idea of where are we going?" Bad whispered as low as posible.

"Not really, is the King still here? Where he could stay?"

"Hiding in the most secured room in the whole underground base." Bad sighed.

"Yeah, that sounds correct."

"So the plan is to go to the place where are more guards?"

"But I think that we should go to the dungeon first, we have to find Sapnap and Skeppy."

"Alright, let's hurry. These potions won't last forever."

They walked quietly in the passage that Skeppy showed them before, surprisingly or more like suspiciously, there weren't as many guards as they thought there will be, where they gone? Somewhere else? Or all of this was a trap?

The dungeon was terribly quiet, except for the constant sound of flowing lava and the nervous breathing of the two alchemists, all of this felt unreal, and George was hoping for it to be another realistic dream, however he wasn't enjoying it in the slightest.

They walked around the doors and checking the cells, but there was not signs of Sapnap or Skeppy, nothing that can prove that they were in there recently. 

The potions were wearing off. They had more, but they should use them carefully, they entered a room to talk about their new plan.

"If they're not here, where we could go now?" Bad asked.

"For how long I was unconscious?" 

"Umm, for about two hours? I'm not sure."

"Hmm, this mine is useless now that they found what they were looking for, and it's been a time... Bad, I'm afraid that they probably went to the castle." George hissed at the last part, like it physically hurted to only say it, Bad winced too.

"That's not good." 

"We have to hurry before something happen to our friends or the King revives the Dragon."

"How's he going to revive the Dragon anyway? Does he have it's remains or something? I don't know hot the totem works, but I don't think it will work just by thinking in what you want to revive."

"I hope that we are not late to find out."

They hurried to get to the surface again, and by the fact that they not have much time, they needed a way to move to the castle, because it was a really frustrating situation already. And just when they were about to drink some potion os swiftness, a brown white-spotted magestic horse appeared out of nowhere, it also got a saddle on it already.

"Where did that horse came from?" George asked, Bad was looking a it with amazement.

"It's perfect! We could go to the castle faster than using potions!" Bad cheered.

"I don't know Bad, this looks... kinda weird, what if it's owner is near? We can't stole a horse, and... I don't know how to ride them."

The horse raised his ears and looked down at George and walked at him, George froze, not exactly sure of what to do when a horse walks right at you. In nuzzled against George's shoulder and started nibbling at his cape.

"Aww, George, he likes you!" Bad smiled, caressing the horse's mane.

"Hey buddy, where's your owner?" George hesitantly petted his head, and for some reason, he felt like he has seen this horse before.

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