Adventure time

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It was inevitable, isn't it?

It has to happen at some point.

There's no way back now.

And George can't stop it now.

He was lost...

"George pleeeeeeaseeeee???" Bad whined, making his most wide, sad and adorable puppy face that he could make. George groaned, trying to look away.

"Bad, it's dangerous, and you have a shop to run and a fish to take care of!"

"It's okay! This village doesn't need potions all the time, and I can leave a spell in Mr Squeeggie's tank to feed him automatically."

"Yeah George, let the boy join us, another magic hand could be helpful." Sapnap smiled, George couldn't believe that he fell into Bad's trap.

"Pleaaaseeeeeee?" Bad insisted.

George rubs a hand on his face, Bad was really doing this to him, huh? And Sapnap too! He has no choice left, and his opinion was one against two, he sometimes hated democracy when he was the one who lost it.

"Fine, you can come with us." George gave up.

"Yeeeess!! Thank you so much, George!" Bad jumped with excitement and wrapped George into a tight hug. "I promise I will helpful!"

George hated to admit it, but he was happy to have another friend by his side.

After setting things up in Bad's shop, and getting more supplies, they were ready to leave.

They left the village, with cleared minds and new determination thanks to their new partner.

The rest of the day was full of small chat, George talking about his life as the royal alchemist, Bad talking about his life in the potion shop and Sapnap explaining the basics of how to hold a sword.. Because the prince life it's so boring to talk about it!

"Wait, do you know how to use a bow?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, it's that hard to believe?" Bad looked at him, showing his handmade bow.

"Not at all, George has a bow too, but it's weird, you can already use magic, why is the bow for?"

"There's nothing wrong to know about self defense too,  we can run out of magic or potions. And it's perfect for long distance attacks!" George explained, Sapnap hummed in understanding.

"Yeah, we can throw arrows from a safe distance while you're our human shield, distractin the enemie with your sword." Bad said, George and Sapnap laughed.

"Oh yeah, let the prince take the worst part." Sapnap placed a hand on his chest, making a dramatic voice.

They were getting close to a meadow, and now from the distance they could admire the silhouette of the South Castle, it looked majestic, with a beatiful landscape around, forests and mountains, rivers and lakes, fauna and flora. Who would have imagined that such a beautiful place could be so dangerous? Even thought they weren't wearing any kind of clothing to show that thet were from the North Kingdom, they were outsiders, and the South Kingdom was known to being hostile with strangers or others kingdoms, they should have found it suspicious the time where they were supposed to establish an alliance, and Dream ended facing the consequences of their mistake.

And now they were at the brink of a war.

"Guys, the coordinates are not inside the kingdom, right?" Bad asked, feeling intimidated with the view of the big castle.

"No, but they are awfully close to my liking." George answered, Sapnap nodding in agreement. "The weird thing is, that they seemed to be underground. That, or they are at the bottom of the sea."

"I'd rather fight with cave spiders than Drowned." Sapnap muttered. "According to this map, the coast it's not that close, but I'm not sure, this thing looks like it's about to turn into dust on my hands." Sapnap shaked the map, it really looked very fragile and old. "And there was that rumor of a flood in that area."

"It sounds complicated." Bad commented.

"There's only one way to find out." George sighed.

It was underground.

They were relieved because the cave wasn't filled with water. But it was still dark with scary sounds, like there were a mine down there, that was worrisome, what if the mine was still active? What if it was South Kingdom's work?

They entered carefully, it seemed that the cave did used to had water, because the rocks were slippery and many of them still had moss. The ceiling was dripping, and there were little streams of water flowing on the ground. Sapnap struggled to make a torch because of the humidity, then Bad pulled out a lantern, now they could see, and they didn't like it what they were seeing.

Ahead, was another light source, and didn't seemed natural, there were also hushing sounds and some kind o machinery, nothing that a zombie or a skeleton could do.

A faint headache prickled the back of George's head, he was having a bad feeling, not only for the situation, but also physically.

"Guys, I think this place is habitated." Bad whispered.

"This is not good, what if they found the coordinates?" Sapnap asked.

"That's impossible, it's supposed that there's only one book of life, and we have it, no one has found the coordinates but us." George reasoned.

"Well, but there will still be miners in here, what if they are from the South kingdom?"

"There are probably minerals in here... But I'm afraid of something... Even thought they hadn't find the code, there's still alchemists aware of the legend, and maybe this place could have some ruins..." George mumbled, the pain in his head increasing.

"Are you saying that they found the place by coincidence, and now they are exploring it?" Sapnap whispered-yelled.

"It's a posibility."

"Fine, we just sneak, stole whathever artifact brings people back to life and we leave."

"I don't think it's that simple." Bad feared.

"Yeah! But we have an advantage, they are blindly carving around, but we know the exact place to look."

"And there's still the posibility that they are not looking for something and it's just a simple goldmine of something." 

"Or maybe we are just looking for intruders." A fourth voice spoke behind them.

They snapped their heads to be faced with three guards from the South kingdom. Sapnap tried to draw his sword from its sheat but he was stopped with a hammer hitting his head. Same happened with Bad, screaming when he watched blood drip from Sapnap's forehead.

A giant hit in the back of George's head culminated his headache, passing out instantly. The last thing he could see was the guards picking Bad and Sapnap up, and a pair of hand taking him as well...

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