A Terrible Fortress - Part 2

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When Bad woke up, he was alone in another room. His head hurted like crazy, and he almost panicked when he felt his bloody bandages around his head.

If his stuff were with him, he could've used some healing potions, because he really needed the pain to stop.

He looked around, the room was empty and dark, oh god, what he's supposed to do now? Sapnap and George were gone, he was alone into a foreign location without his friends. He trembled and holded back a sob, wrapping his arms around his legs and getting them close to his chest.

"Oh my godness, what to I do now?" He muttered, feeling the tears stream down his face.

He felt the door opening and tensed, was a guard? Are they going to torture him? kill him? He didn't even dared to move and look up at whoever was outside his cell, he shuddered at the sound of keys opening the lock and the chirp of the metallic door.

"Look at me." A gentle voice spoke.

Bad froze, the voice sounded young and soft, he slowly raised his head.

In front of him was a guard of the South Kingdom, he looked new, and around Bad's age. Bad's eyes widened when he saw that the guard was holding his backpack.

"W-what is this?" He stuttered. "Is this a trap?"

"No. Take your stuff, you have to leave."

Bad looked at his backpack and then at the guard, he didn't look like he was lying, he was actually letting him go.

"Wh-why are you helping me."

"I'm not in the South kingdom's side, not anymore.

"You're serious? Are you betraying your own kingdom for a stranger?"

"I wanted to be a guard to do the right thing. What the South kingdom's doing it's not the right thing."

"Wh-what are they doing?" Bad looked up.

"They're planning to revive the Ender Dragon."

Bad's jaw dropped. They what?! Are they insane? The Ender Dragon, a massive and dangerous creature, that terrified people for thousands of years, it was killed decades ago, and it was for the best, before it leaved The End and destroyed the whole world, what would the South kingdom gain in bringing it back? It will kill anyone that come across it's way.

"Hey Skeppy, what are you doing in there?" Another guard opened the door, but before he could see Bad's door opened, the other punched him, knocking him out.

"Holy muffin." Bad muttered.

"That's how serious I am, hurry, there will be more guards soon."

The guard, apparently named Skeppy, helped him to get up, and handed him his backpack. Bad looked through his stuff and immediatly drank one healing potion, feeling a lot better without that pulsating headache. They both moved the unconscious guard to the cell, and Bad put on his armor.

"Where are my friends?" Bad looked at Skeppy through his helmet, the armor was heavy and he wasn't used to it.

"Just follow me." Skeppy signaled, also carrying the backpacks of George and Sapnap.

They walked through a crowded area, Bad was holding his breath every time they crossed path with another guard, wishing to not be looking suspicious at all.

They made it through the people, Bad finally exhaling, they were getting close, just across the hallway.

Then they stopped when right in front of them, George and Sapnap stood right there, pausing at the sight, Bad and Skeppy weren't expecting them to be out. They didn't have time to react before Sapnap ran towards them, knocking Skeppy to the ground, and landed with a grunt, George was getting close too, Bad snapped out of his suprise and spoke.

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