Ch. 29 - Wake Up Call

Start from the beginning

And soon you two were eating some of the best food you'd had in a while. Mina continued to come by to check on you and you told her to compliment the chef several times over. 

"See why I wanted to bring you here?" Jin mumbled through a mouth full of food. "Good food does wonders."

After you'd finished clearing your plates, you asked Mina about paying.

"Oh, I thought you'd put it on the tab."

"There's a tab here?" you asked.

"Jungkook keeps one. Yoongi's used it a few times and he doesn't seem to mind, so I thought you'd know about it."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Let's put it on the tab." She was quick to do as you asked.

Jin snickered to himself.

After making it back to the office, you started drowning in work. Emails had been piling up while Namjoon had been taking phone calls. And now that you were back in, you were having to answer the calls, handle emails, go over the information from the department lead meeting, and work through at least some of the quarterly reports. Yoongi had finished entering most of them but not all of them before he left.

Twice, Namjoon had watched you throw open your door and start pacing up and down the hallway, muttering darkly to yourself. After a few minutes, you'd return to your office and start again.

At closing time, he peered into the room to see you still working away.

"Hey, it's time to leave."

"I have to finish these reports."


"I need to finish these reports so we can start looking at the information there." You glanced up at him. "It won't take long. Once I'm done, I'll leave. Promise."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow."

You spent the next forty-five minutes going over the reports. Something was off about them. It took quite a bit of research but the sales numbers were down while marketing was up.

Usually, those numbers would be similar, both going up or down. To have one be different was...unheard of before. New clients weren't coming in despite Amber's marketing strategies.

Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone buzzing. Jin politely informing you that he was still waiting outside. You scribbled a note to yourself to check the reports again tomorrow and locked your office.

Jin didn't seem nearly as annoyed as his text made him seem. But he did look tired and you apologized on the ride home.

"It's okay," he assured you. "It's obvious that you care about your work. Just don't tell Yoongi I let you stay this late."

"It'll be our secret."

The ride continued on for a few minutes in silence. You glanced at Jin to say something when you saw it. 

Something bright heading straight towards him.

"Jin, look out!"

He had apparently seen the lights out of the corner of his eye. You felt the car move sharply as he wrenched the wheel in the opposite direction. But a few moments later, there was the sound of tires squealing and a sickening crunch.

Glass shattered. Your head slammed into the window and your ears started ringing.

You leaned forward, trying to ease the sound. 

Someone wrenched open your door. You turned away from the bright light that invaded your senses.

"Ma'am, are you all right?" The person gently leaned you back so they could remove your seat belt.

Your eyes landed on the front seat. Jin was sprawled out over the wheel. "Jin! Jin, are you okay?"

You went to move toward the front seat but your vision started swimming. You groaned and held your head in your hands.

"He's out cold!" Someone else called out. You could see lights moving around the driver's door. They must be checking on him too.

"Shit. Ma'am, is it just the two of you?"

"Yes," you muttered. "He was driving me home."

"Does your head hurt?"

Your head? You went to touch it and felt something warm and wet. Your head was bleeding.

"Here." He pulled off his coat and bundled it up. "Hold this against your head for now. We already called the ambulance so just stay with me until then."

He talked with you until the police and ambulance arrived. A paramedic took you away and did a quick check. 

Suddenly a horrible sound reached your ears. The sound of the metal crunching. They had to pry Jin out of the car. You couldn't tear your eyes from the scene. The last thing you remembered clearly was the sight of him being put in the ambulance. 

Then it all went black.

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