Seriously guys, I did not want to be kidnapped today | XIII

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The video is what happens when lightning strikes water. The photo is something I saw on the internet and HAD to share. 

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I looked back over to the Shipwreck zone and saw that Jiro and Kaminari had reached the water. The next part would be tricky. If it wasn't timed perfectly, Kaminari would die from overusing his quirk and the villains in the water would not be affected.

I bounced up and down on my toes with anticipation as I watched Kaminari extend his hand into the water. He closed his eyes in concentration and I sucked in my breath.

As soon as Denki's lightning hit, the water exploded with 5-meter-tall geysers all the way across the lake. The villains were thrown up into the air and smacked back down into the water with an audible thunk. They all sank.

Tsu, Deku and Mineta swam back across the now turbulent waters to shore. Jiro was there to pull them up and out of the lake. Deku immediately rushed in to protect our teacher and Bakugo immediately started yelling at him that they didn't need help.

I made my way down to the lake as well, to make sure Kaminari was okay.

He was lying curled on his side a foot from the water, unconscious. I stared incredulously around at Jiro wondering why she hadn't checked to make sure he was okay. She shrugged and led Tsu over to the battle as well.

I wanted to punch Jiro in the face and yell at her for not watching out for him. She knew the limits of his quirk, she should have made sure he was okay!

I carefully rolled Kaminari over onto his back. What I saw scared me so bad. Lighting-patterned burn scars ran across half of his face and down his neck. It disappeared into his shirt collar, but I didn't check; I didn't want to see how much of his skin was marred.

His clothing was singed and still burning hot to the touch. I carefully pulled his jacket off and dunked it in the water to cool it off before laying it over his burns. I felt horrible, this was all my fault. I had given the villains the U.S.J. schedule, overestimated Kaminari's quirk, and forced him to electrocute and burn himself on behalf of others.

I felt hot tears running down my face but I ignored them; Kaminari was top priority, I had to get him medical attention. I quickly glanced around the battlefield to find a safe and out-of-the-way spot so Kami wouldn't get injured farther. Luckily, there was a small waterfall in the far back of the USJ that seemed to have an empty space behind it.

I picked Kami up, careful not to touch any of the lightning scars. I made my way through pairs of fighting villains and students to the waterfall. When I got there, I shielded him from the force of the water as I walked through it, carefully placing him in the dry, cool nook behind it.

I gently lifted his eyelids to check for a concussion. He seemed to be fine in that regard, and I hoped that Recovery Girl (the school nurse) would be able to heal his burns. I had a feeling that they would not heal.

After I made sure my best friend was as safe as he could be after overusing his quirk, I went back to fight the League of Villains only to find an even larger catastrophe.

There was a tall weird animal I could only describe as if the Hulk and Venom had a bird-mutant child with a half-developed skull cap.

This mutant bird was slowly killing our teacher, which was not good.

I ran over to where Bakugo was trying to blow up Shigaraki. Shigaraki was (luckily) losing, because his quirk was useless against fire and explosions.

"Bakugo, help Mr. Aizawa, I'll kill this blue-haired imbecile!" I shouted, shoving Baku out of the way. He gave a small salute before heading off and starting to scream insults and running around the Bird-mutant and blowing stuff up.

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