Author's Note

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Hey guys, that was indeed the end of the story. I know it isn't super clear what happens after, and you're free to imagine whatever you want, but I do have a short summary of what might have happened after Chapter 25. 

Red, in thier teenage angst, blows up UA, killing most of the students (including themself). The heroes find the note Ishizaki wrote to them and ignore it like the corrupt self-centered people they are. They speak about the bombing as a 'freak terrorist attack' against heroes in training, not mentioning that Red was the source of the bombing, or thier motives.

Red's family reads thier note and figures out what they did. Red's moms don't tell anyone, and neither does Tyra. It becomes a family secret as they mourn the death of thier child and sibling, knowing that they didn't realize how unhinged Red had become until hundreds had been killed. 

The world of heroes goes on as usual. UA rebuilds and accepts new students in the place of ones that died. A memorial is set up in the courtyard behind one of the new buildings to remember the children that would never become heroes. 

Ciao for now, guys, gals, and non-binary pals! 


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