Ice Cream | X

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I am seriously running out of good photos to put at the beginning of chapters♡

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After school, I sat with Kaminari just inside the school gates. We were both pretending to do homework, but really we were just talking and goofing off. We'd been sitting there for about half an hour when I thought of something that I'd never thought of before.

"Hey, how do you think Mineta got into class 1A?" I asked suddenly, and Kaminari laughed.

"Good question. If you think about it, his quirk is actually perfect for how the entrance exam was set up. The rules stated you needed to incapacitate the robots, not destroy them. If Mineta can repeatedly throw hundreds of sticky ball things without slowing down, he'd be really good at stopping the robots, thus getting a lot of points."

"Wow, you're right. It's actually a pretty good quirk considering what a cakesniffer he is. I hate that guy." 

"Me too. In a real battle, the only use his quirk would be is if he stuck enough on a person that they couldn't fight back. He's so small and pathetic that even a villain version of himself could beat him. On the other hand, people who have mind-related quirks like Shinso wouldn't do well on the entrance exam because it doesn't affect robots, while on the other hand, it would be super useful on villains because most of them have a habit of droning on and on about their evil plans, giving the hero plenty of time to activate their quirk." he was starting to sound a bit like Midoriya with all the rambling, but it made me realize something. 

"Kami, why do you pretend that you aren't smart?" I asked quietly, referring to the tons of self-deprecating jokes that he told on a daily basis.

Kami's smile faded. "I don't know, I mean, I guess I don't want to get people's expectations up. I can't disappoint someone if they expect me to do poorly, so I just try not to make them believe in me too much. I have to be the 'happy kid'; the one that everyone can make fun of and not feel bad about it because I act like it doesn't affect me. I'm only there so people can charge their phones with my quirk and tease me so they can feel better about themselves. 

"I let them make fun of my 'dumb mode' because they think it's funny, but it's so scary. I sometimes worry that I might never come out of it or that I'll get, like, severe brain damage or something. Even my own quirk hurts me, it feels like sticking a fork in an electrical socket every time. I thought it would get better so I kept using my quirk to build up a tolerance but it didn't help and it feels like fireworks exploding in my brain whenever I use it." 

The worst part about that statement was the fact that poor Kaminari was crying and still trying to smile through the pain.

After a second, he wiped his tears and took a shaky breath. When he realised the extent of what he said, he clapped his hands to his mouth "I didn't mean to say that much- I- I shouldn't have said anything. It's not your problem, I know that-"

I hugged Kami as hard as I could. "Kaminari Denki, you are the kindest, strongest, most optimistic person I know. You don't deserve the teasing, and you're much smarter than you give yourself credit for. I promise I won't ever make fun of you or use you to charge my phone because it's just mean. I will punch Bakugo and the others if they ever say anything to you when I'm around, and I expect you to tell me if it happens when I'm not there. If there's anything I can do to make using your quirk less scary or painful, please tell me and I'll do it."

"Thanks, Red."

From that moment on, Kaminari Denki and I were as close as two random high-school kids can be. I knew I would beat up just about anybody for that kid. 

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