Blackmail | VI

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Find someone who cares about you 

and keeps you sane and happy

so that you won't end up 

like Touya Todoroki :( 

_ _ _ _

I wanted to be alone. So alone that I couldn't see or hear another person in a fifty-mile radius. I decided to go out of town, to an abandoned park I'd gone to a long time ago after I got bullied in Elementary school. I'd gone there almost every day after school, telling my parents I was hanging out with friends. I'd had no friends to hang out with, but that was okay. I liked the park.

I climbed out of my bedroom window and dropped to the ground two stories below. I'd installed a sort of net system below it so it would slow my fall so that I wouldn't break my legs and could come and go when I wished.

I climbed out of the net and walked to the park, listening to music from my headphones. It was about 5:45 by this point, almost sunset. This was my favourite time of day because almost everyone was inside having dinner or doing homework. I didn't have to talk to anyone or get judgemental looks from elderly people and Karens who got extremely nosy when they couldn't figure out my gender by the way I looked. 

I climbed up onto the top of the monkey bars, letting my legs dangle off the sides. I sat there for a while, listening to some of my favourite music. Just after the sun went down and the park was almost completely dark, I thought I heard the sounds of a struggle behind the bathrooms at the other side of the park. I grabbed the emergency flashlight out of my bag and hopped down from the monkey bars.

I made sure to stay on my guard, carefully walking around the bathrooms in a circle. I didn't see anyone, which was really weird. I was about to turn and walk back to the monkey bars, thinking maybe it was a raccoon when a large force slammed me into the wall of the small stone structure containing the restrooms.

"Ow! What the frick!" I shouted out of surprise.

"Ishizaki," They spoke my last name with a voice like someone pretending to be Darth Vader. They then immediately broke into a fit of coughing. The voice emanated from a man with ratty light blue hair and the skin of someone who didn't even know what 'moisturizer' meant. I was kinda scared and had good reason to be. I was a fifteen-year-old kid alone at night in a park at least a mile away from the city. I had nothing to defend myself- wait a minute!

Moving quickly, I threw my arm out, bashing the man over the head with the hard metal base of my flashlight. In reflex, he grabbed the flashlight out of my hands, his fingers closing over the handle. It turned to ash in his grasp.

I stared at the pile of flashlight ash on the ground, then turned my gaze to the man.

"Ishizaki," He began, starting with the Darth Vader voice but not able to keep it going for long. "The quirkless kid who somehow managed to get into UA. " 

I stared at him. This was not good. I did some quick analyzing of the situation. The man was wearing dark clothes which appeared to be decrepit and old. This meant he couldn't afford new clothes or couldn't leave his hideout to get them. I assumed his quirk was some sort of disintegration triggered by touch because of the flashlight, so I would have to be careful to avoid making contact with him. Old clothing and a deadly quirk meant he was most likely a villain in hiding, and if he knew that I was faking my quirk, this had to be some wort of blackmail. 

"Whatever you want, I won't give it to you," I said carefully, eyeing the spot in the bushes behind him that concealed two more people, obviously thinking I didn't know they were there. They were bad at hiding.

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