Chapter 3: Sigasig at Sigla

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Made My Day

"My 3 years old niece, on my cousin's side, handed over a toy to me. She couldn't clearly speak yet but I could understand what she was trying to say-she wanted to play with me. Then a while ago, she gave me a chocolate in a sweet-sounding way. Never mind how much is its cost. It's the thought that counts." Something similar to this upholds the following chronicle. Continue reading. I woke up from the comfort of my bed, breakfasted, took a bath, visited my creative writing hub, and wrote some stuff. I picked the most comfortable thin linen top and below the knee-length maong skirt and strolled around the suburb of the city, rode a public vehicle across the fifth street of the fourth block, and sat in the passenger seat when a 4 to 5-year-old boy, a stranger, waved his hand at me. Then I smiled in return. While his more or less than 20-year-old brother cast me a quick glance, gazed back to his brother's innocence and teased, "Waving 'hi' to a girl should mean that you are a behaved kid. You are not-aren't you?" [non-verbatim (a direct quotation in Filipino language translated to or interpreted in English)]. Seeing his little brother humiliated and silenced, he sneaked up a kiss on his round cheek to take back what he said. I was just watching them the whole time with a reddened face and a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. I honestly have a unique connection with kids. I couldn't resist smiling back in response to such young and non-toxic gesture. I wanted to hug him, bring him home, and be a sister to him for an hour! That was in 2018-and I was writing this in 2020, but what I witnessed still harps a flute and dances a waltz through my senses as if it was only yesterday. It is a convivial episode whenever someone appreciates or admires our presence, most especially if that form of admiration comes from a child. This is a living proof that even strangers can be our own kind of inspiration. I didn't know them personally but that simple human interaction contributed a browse to this manuscript. "There is always an eventful scenario to unfold in a day, and I'm excited to inscribe such on the surfaces of this book!"

A Chapter of Empowerment with World Vision Philippines

She can write or create a foremost statement or masterpiece because anger has no room in her deepest end. She is not controlled by anger rather has full control over it. She knows when and how to express it. It takes someone who is truly inspired to write what she writes and live the life that she has, so if you know someone who has the same nature as hers, be convinced of such authenticity.

It was the fourteenth day of November when my order from an online site arrived. I was delighted when I unboxed the parcel of items bedded in the nest of white paper strips with a note: "Go ahead and let your best self shine!" a simple message that lightened up my day... That was the first time that I received an order with such a delightful element inside. It was like unboxing a gift! That is what I exactly experience whenever a new reader reads my books. Though the number of online readership can be presently counted on fingers, I still appreciate it. My first readers-they were my humble beginning. Others are followed, embraced, and cheered because of the thousand likes and votes for their debut books, but them, they had me at my first launch. They were pioneering the first browse! To see the increasing number of views, comments, and votes made me feel heard and appreciated. Their compliments and lexical reactions toward my books were candid and unsought. Some of them weren't familiar to me, but their cheerful presence was something I would never forget-a simple private message, direct and authentic.

Here are the compiled unsolicited reactions from my readers to my published manuscripts on an online writing platform:

"Hi! This is the first time I'm writing a text to someone from this very account! I couldn't help but text you and tell you that you're amazing! May the Almighty bless you!"

-TROUVAILLE the book (@trouvaille_thebook, a private message on Instagram)

"YES, GIRL! YOU GOT THIS!!! Can I have your Wattpad (username) so I can read some (if you've posted it)... [I thanked her, and she replied...] No problem!!! I just started reading Universal Verse, and I feel so connected to the book already. I love it!!!"

Proof of LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora