Chapter 2: Prized

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One's Truest Self

In the pages of my books, I opted to spell with "z" and not with "s" such as realize and not realise. As a contrary, I prefer towards instead of toward, the British way of lettering a locution as a tribute to the passing of the United Kingdom's former monarch Queen Elizabeth who was the same age as my grandla. She lit up my heart upon knowing that her matriarch was always by her side ever since just like how Queen Galak has been to me. To what extent? To mention one, I had a best friend in high school as my fidus Achates named "Reyna," a Filipino term denoting queen. Rest in peace, your Royal Highness. -Author (on the Queen's death in 2022)

Dear self,

You are prized with things that can never be bought at a price. You are smiled by the masterpieces that your mind had conceived. You laugh at your own pleasantry out of internal rejoicing. You sound contented and satisfied. You are prized, not priced.

"Others cite the words of other authors; she cites her own."

Discovering ourselves is learning and understanding how we are designed-who we are and what we're made of, the rich history behind and beneath our skin more than just what it seems. There are a lot of things to consider in terms of navigating our ever progressing selves, and yes, I'm referring to self-discovery, decisions, and priorities. Some of us were born unique, some advanced, and the rest-late bloomers. We all have our own timeframe. I somehow considered myself a late bloomer. I honestly didn't know what course to take in college. A year after I graduated, I arrived at the conclusion of realizing what I actually wanted-to simply write and be convinced that writing only requires the mastery of grammar, life experiences, a dictionary on the side, and a plate of pancake topped with honey or Nutella; to just simply express myself, my mind, and how I view, perceive, interpret, or live from my own perspective; to remain as is, to be one's truest self. Though, for me, writing is only the beginning. I'm still learning so much more about myself and looking forward for more self-discoveries ahead.

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I now understand why I was in an unusual, frequent habit of going to church before, for no other reason (aside from spiritual matter). It just has something to do with my interest in literature (verses and scriptures)-to gain insight, then write my own later on. So if you're also into the same thing, perhaps the writer or storyteller in you wants to come out. Though, I have this intuition that not all writers undergo such unbounded digest of discovery as what I journeyed through. It's up to you on how you would want to recreate your own story. You may rule out any objection you read and only source an idea from what is inclined to what's necessary. Try your best to surpass it, making your story top-shelf and more relatable with such impact and grace.

Here are some questions that I personally answered for those who roll their minds in curiosity about how I have dealt with creative writing.

How do I write what I write?

It all starts from being inspired and being in the mood to write. When I don't have any push or drive to start, I list words, questions, or topics of interest on my journal and let them rest for a moment until I unroll them for future use. I make sure that my write-ups are original, gripping, and broad-gauge. I hadn't used a writing style guide before, but when I learned about the different styleguides for writing, I have used MLA (Modern Language Association) since then, for title capitalization-a type of style guide in content writing.

"I'm more of a writer than a reader but not with the books that I myself authored. Reading my own pages doubles the fun! Having them browsed by my readers triples it."

Chandelier of Stars

My books teach modish literature by example, not by lecture. -Author

I had my first journal back in highschool, and I liked the idea of having a company in sullen days or isolating hours. I am gladdened that with this, I'm free to uncage these words without being interrupted, without being silenced. Creatively writing anything under the moon or sun, under a ligneous roof or plafond... I don't mind if it sounds crazy to others. It sounds even crazier to me, but I choose to continue in doing what I knew I had to. This is therapeutic-therapeutic to a person with no illness in the first place, who just simply wants to unriddle whatever it is that riddles her mind. On a side note, doing what we're passionate about is intellect on a lighter state. What do we gain then? Favor upon favor; opportunities; a lower rate of identity crisis, a higher bar of prized possession, and a deeper element of freedom and awareness.

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