Unscripted Humor (Compilation)

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I'm sharing my witty side by imparting these unscripted realities, since I don't want to laugh alone.

Clean Laughter:

This reminds me of the Reader's Digest Just For Fun section at the magazine's end pages. Laughter-indeed-is the best medicine.

"Electric Fan"

[On a commute]

Young students riding on a jeepney whose treatment to each other is like that of a sibling...

Classmate 1: Chesca's (the author's real name or nickname) beauty is even more revealed when her hair is oscillated by wind.

Classmate 2: I agree. She's indeed engaging.

Classmate 1: You must always bring an electric fan with you.

Author (Myself): ...


Classmate: Chesca, do you get mad?

Me: [I don't get mad, but if ever I do, it's scheduled. Kidding aside, I really don't. Only in bad mood at times, maybe? That's the reason why in my first fiction book Sabriona, I found it hard to keep pace with the dialogs between protagonists and antagonists, the reason why I prefer writing nonfiction. What to expect from a person who promotes positivity and human empowerment?]


Shall I then pursue a career in music...

While my batchmates and I were jamming, the one who was playing a guitar observed, "Chesca is adroit at singing!"

In 2017, during praise and worship at The Feast, my batchmate told me, "Try joining the music ministry!"

During the birthday celebration of a relative, a visitor clapped while I was singing during a karaoke session. Only one person applauded, the one who had also a peak at singing.

"At Some Point"

This was me during my elementary days...

Bullies: Not beautiful!

Yesh: The opposite [calmness]...

I could recall how strong my spirit was, not letting myself be scourged nor maltreated. Ha-ha-ha! It was the spirit of King Gilas who spoke through me, because to be honest, the exchange of lives made me think that I was ugly at some point. [humors] You, when faced with such a kind of treatment, would you revenge or would you rather believe in who you are? No wrong feedback, all answers are valid and understood by the supreme in being.


Officemate 1: Chesca, did you already have any nemesis before?

Me: During elementary days?

Officemate 2: [laughs] When her classmate didn't lend her an eraser...

Officemate 1, Officemate 2, Me: [belly laughter]

There was no borrowing or lending of an eraser that happened. It was just a made-up clause of Officemate 2 to humor the conversation. I have never had a foe. I only felt out of sorts at times, perhaps, but I don't bite back at critics. Matured enough, I stay away from conflict.


Colleague: Chesca is an inspiration...

Me: [Thinking in a deeper sense of what I have already contributed to society... I didn't think of any. Maybe my presence is all enough.]


Upon walking through the salon entrance...

Staff: A princess just arrived! Turn on the air conditioner!

Proof of LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon