Guess who's back

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Third Person's Pov
Damon's supposed to come back tomorrow. It's felt like forever to the hunter and he sighed before removing Derek's hands off his body. The sun started to peak through the curtains. So quickly and quietly Stiles opened the door and closed it. He made his way down the stairs and walked into the living room. "Wow not even going to notice me?" A slightly raspy voice sounded through the living room and the pale boy ran. "I thought you were supposed to come back tomorrow!" Stiles couldn't explain the overly happy feeling he was enduring right now. He felt as though his heart would explode.

He had missed Damon so much, "Technically yes but I had the choice to come back early and I thought I'd surprise you." Damon whispered into the shorter boys ear while still holding him up. "Let me take you out." Stiles' body went stiff at Damon's words, the words were a complete shock to the paler of the two."What?" Stiles looked into Damon's deep blue orbs and watched as the taller male shrugged. "Let me take you out. We can just go do random stuff it doesn't have to be like a date." Damon started to lean in with a smile but the smaller boy moved away as making the other male slightly pout.

"Why'd you move away?" Damon was mumbling against Stiles' skin as he had moved to plant kissed on his neck. "Haven't brushed my teeth yet blue." The smaller of the two whispered out a response and felt as Damon smile against him. "Blue?" He questioned and Stiles chuckled a little bit. "Your eyes are as blue as the deepest part of the ocean my love." The smaller male didn't know why but this just all felt too natural to him. He felt an odd need to show the other a large amount of affection. Maybe it was because he was gone? "Keep saying things like that and I might just have to take you on a date." Damon had a tone of mockery in his voice and was unaware of the fast beating heart of the person he held onto.

"Alright give me some time to get ready and all that." Stiles looked at Damon for just a moment. As the both of them stared at each other, they were unaware of the newly awaken wolf fuming at the top of the stairs. "Use my shampoo or I'll scent mark you for hours before we leave." Damon nuzzled his nose against the others neck, "I hate the smell of Derek on you." A small growl escaped the raven haired male. "Alright no need to worry." Stiles pried himself from Damon's grasp and walked up the stairs. Not looking at anything but the floor, the brown haired male bumped into someone. Nearly falling down the stairs he felt strong arms grasp his waist.

"I've got you." Hazel eyes looked down at the pale boy. "Thanks Derek." Stiles coughed awkwardly not wanting to met the tan boys eyes. "Right I'll uhm let you do then." Derek let the smaller boy out of his grasp but soon had to hold him again. "Jesus I'm clearly using you for support to not fall backwards! Take a step back you idiot." Stiles hissed over at Derek and waited till he took a step back. "Damon's here and that means everything changed right?" Derek looked over at his light brown eyes. "No it means next time have common sense before you throw me back over the damn stairs." Stiles quickly pecked Derek's cheek before walking off to Damon's room.

"Internal conflict..wanna tell me what that's about brother?" Damon looked at his younger brother that was coming down the stairs. "What?" Derek was confused at his brothers sentence he didn't feel any internal conflict. "Oh so he hasn't told you what's wrong?" As if lights were suddenly turned on Derek widened his eyes. He understood what his brother meant now. "There's nothing wrong!" Derek was still confused but now it was because he was doubting things. "I'm sure there's not. Maybe the problem is, is that I test him more like a boyfriend than you do." Damon's attempt at getting his brother angry worked, it always worked. "Not true!" A growl escaped the you get boys lips.

"Really? Just because you sleep in the same bed doesn't mean you're a couple. You should know that more than anyone." A smirked played at the older boys lips. He knew he was hitting a touchy subject but he was sure this argument would benefit his younger brother. "I-maybe you're right. We had a similar talk last night." Derek moved his hands around as he was nervous. Was this really the reason Stiles was acting rude? Neither of the boys had time to speak on their conversation any further when a scent it both of their noses. "Oh how fucking wonderful." Damon breathed in as deep as he could.

A smirk was on his lips as usual and he couldn't help but want to grab the person this scent was coming from. His brother had opposite thoughts. He thought the smell was revolting. "I hope you don't mind.. I honestly didn't want to go into my room. Isaac and Theo are in there." Stiles ran a hand threw his hair while walking down the stairs. He felt confident like always. He felt fresh and clean after he had done his whole morning routine. So his confidence soon turned into confusion as he saw Derek's disgusted face. "Oh so now I'm gross?" The pale boys hands flew up in the air as he watched the tan boy fix his face.

"N-No! I just you smell.. you smell." Derek was unable to get the words out. His mind felt cloudy and he was honestly very nervous. He didn't know what he was supposed to say. The pale boy did smell gross to him but he couldn't possibly tell him that. "Have fun w-with Damon." Derek choked out a quick response before running up the stairs. "What's wrong with him?" Stiles still stared at the stairs that were now empty. "No clue." Damon grabbed the smaller it's hand and they left.

The Supernatural Ripper (Sterek)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon