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Stiles pov

I watched the way he talked about her. The smile that showed up on his face showed me that he loves her a lot. Which lets me know that he only feels lust for me and nothing more. I just feel sort of bad that I have to tell him that his girlfriend is a hunter. "I do...a word of advice. Stay away from her, she's known for getting in bed with hurt supernaturals and burning down their house down." I watched as his smile turned into a frown. I felt bad for him honestly but if I let it out in any way he'll know. "Hey don't feel too bad. If she's as pretty as you say then she would've been able to fool anyone." I was trying to make him feel better but the look on his face was telling me I made it worse.

I've seen her before and let me just say she's definitely not all that. Maybe it's because I'm gay that I don't see it. "I'll handle this if you want to go." I looked over at Isaac and nodded. I walked into my room and just laid on the bed. Isaac...he was something else. Nothing bad, he was really nice which is a cover up, it has to be but who cares? I'm not actually gonna end up liking anyone here. Every supernatural is the same. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to find Thalia. "Stiles, did you need something?" I looked over to the kitchen and found her cooking.

"Are you aware that your son knows Kate Argent?" I asked sitting at the Island. "I was told she was here for something before." She pointed to upstairs and put her finger to her lips. "I think she might be a problem." I whispered to her and she looked curious, "Why?" She asked looking at the stairs. I turned around and saw Derek at the stairs his cheeks were tear stained. His eyes were still watery and so I can only assume he wasn't done crying, "It's because of me, mom I'm so sorry." He looked at her and she just placed a plate of cookies in front of me. I grabbed one mad shoved it in my mouth. Cookie... I should probably train, "How?" I felt the fear coming off of the both of them in waves it was so awkward in here.

I quickly went outside. I opened the back of my Jeep to grab my things. I quickly set everything up and since no one was around I took off my shirt. I traded in my jeans for shorts. I got started I was hitting hard and fast. At some point my dummy ripped and I had to use a tree. Was it the smartest idea I've ever had? No. Did it hurt like a bitch? Kinda. My fists were bloody but nothing was going to stop me. Nothing at al- "Stiles, dinners ready." I heard an unfamiliar voice and turned around quickly. I saw a girl who appeared to be younger than her brother, Derek.

"Who are you?" I raised a brow at her but she just smiled at me. "Cora, now come inside." She started to turn around but I wanted to know more, "Age?" I asked as I started walking towards the door, "Thirteen." She turned around to look at me and I was confused. "You're cute." She winked at me and I laughed yeah... not gonna happen, "Thanks your brother said somethin like that too." I winked back at her and she let out a loud huff, "Derek, stay away from him he's mine." She was looking at Derek so I took my opportunity and sat next to Isaac. "Do you mind?" I whispered to him and he shook his head. "You can have him because I don't want him." Derek glared at me and I shrugged. I honestly don't give a damn what these mutts want. "Really?" She sounded excited and came to sit next to me.

"Sure you can... you know if you like people who rip off the limbs off of people like us." Derek winked at me and I rolled my eyes. I looked over to Cora but I found an empty chair. "Yeah never mind, Isaac you can have the Ripper." She sat across from me and I rolled my eyes. All the same, I guess I can't blame them though. I kill all kinds of supernaturals even the "good" ones. "So, Cora since Derek hates me so much, why don't you tell me what his age is?" I winked at Derek who just shrugged.

"Fifteen he's gonna be sixteen soon." She smiled over at the door when it opened but I just squinted, "So you guys never lock your door and complain about the lack of protection?" I was waiting for an answer but no one really spoke up, "No, they actually leave the door open for me. Hi, I'm Allen Deaton." I looked over to see a dark man coming through the door, "Wait if you're last name is Deaton why aren't your kids' last name Deaton?" I looked at him slightly confused but everyone just laughed at me. Isaac the only decent one here didn't laugh.

"I'm not Thalia's husband I'm the pack emissary." He smiled at me and sat down at one end of the table, "My bad, I wasn't given an introduction. I've had to find out everything on my own." I smiled at him and he just squinted at me, "I take it that you're him?" Allen looked at me and I nodded, "Here's the food, I'll introduce you to everyone." I watched as Thalia set out a plate of salad and chicken. She then sat down on the opposite end from Allen. He's sitting in the alpha males seat. "My sons are Dustin, Damon, and Derek my daughters are Laura and Cora." She was pointing to each one of her kids while saying their names.

Dustin who I assume is the oldest has Fawn brown hair and blue eyes. Damon however had jet black hair and greenish blue eyes. His jawline was sharp and had a bit of stubble on it. He seemed well built and I might regret saying this but he's very attractive. Well Derek is Derek. Laura, has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Pale skin but very clear. Cora had black hair and green eyes skin the same as her obviously older sister. This family has good genes, "Ages?" I asked looking at Damon who was staring right at me.

Currently watching the vampire diaries.. currently in love with Damon Salvatore.... but also Stefan and others but it is what it is lmao

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