When you leave.

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Stiles POV

I thought I was going to start hallucinating. Fortunately, I was glad to make it to the bathroom in time. I quickly reached under the sink and grab everything I needed. I was sort of scared that I was going to start seeing my dead parents. It seemed nearly impossible since I didn't even remember what they look like. I quickly open the alcohol bottle and poured it all over my chest, my body started to burn. The burning was a good sign it means that I was able to get the alcohol on my wounds. I quickly shove gauze pads on my body and taped it. I need to get food so that I could get my blood levels up but I don't think I'd make it downstairs in time.

Instead, I walked into my room and laid on my bed. I'll clean up the mess later, I just needed to rest my eyes. I started to close my eyes but I heard a bunch of noise. I look to my right to see almost every Hale barging into my room. Some look terrified others looked worried but only one looked proud. To say I was confused was an understatement. Thalia gave me a cookie and I laughed a little bit. Let me tell you that was a big mistake, never have I been in this much pain. I quickly shove the cookie in my mouth and eat it. I was glad to have something in my body even if it was a damn cookie. "Here dear, take another one. The sugar will help." Thalia handed me another cookie and I took it.

"What the hell was that? You practically went on a damn suicide mission. You could've gotten killed!" I looked straight ahead at Isaac who looked more concerned than he should be. "I didn't think they would reopen." I shrugged a little, "Good, they shouldn't have. I assume you haven't been keeping up with the healing." I looked over at Allen and scoffed. "Sure I have doc, you know because everyone loves me so much that they talk to me all day. You know, they even ask me if I need it or not. I love everyone here so much." I could feel my anger start to build up again.

My sarcasm still shined through, never a dull moment in my life. "Stiles you need to calm down you're starting to bleed even more." Thalia was now kneeling in front of me. Did I try to calm down? Yes. Did it work? No. "I'll call the doctors and ask for blood." I watched as Dustin walked out of the room. "Why did you go out?" Damon looked at me curiously and I shrugged a little. I don't care about the pain anymore, "I was angry. So I went for a jog after hitting the tree. Ran into who I now recognize as Deucalion. Oops." I couldn't help but smile. It felt amazing to do some real hunting.

"I'm impressed." Damon gave me a smirk and I smiled, "Oh of course, anything for the all high and mighty Damon Hale." God my head hurts. "The blood has arrived." Dustin shook the bag in his hand. He also had some needles and tubes. Looks like fun, "Deaton please take those from him. I'd hate to die at the hands of people I'm supposed to kill." I looked at him and he nodded. He probably got here after the first hour I was gone. "You know people here do care about you." Allen looked at me as he shoved the needle in my arm.

"They only like me for either two reasons. One I'm here to save them or two lust." I didn't care that everyone was in the room. They obviously knew the reason they kept me around. "What about Isaac? You're not protecting him and he doesn't have lust for you." Allen smiled at me as he put the bag on the nightstand. "Correct, he's asked me to stay away from him and I'll do just that." I was looking at the ceiling. "The blood should stop leaving the body if someone heals you." Deaton left the room and smiled to myself. No ones gonna choose out of their own will to hea- I quickly looked at the person touching my abdomen. Damon, "What do you think you're doing?" I asked looking at him.

He didn't have any expression. His face was blank, "Healing you." He stated, everyone was walking out of the room. "Why?" I looked at him curiously. I genuinely wanted to know. "I don't just want you here for lust and protection. I know that's the only reason why you're here. There's no other reason for you to stay besides your job. There's no point in me getting hurt when you leave." I watched as his face never changed. He was guarding himself from me. He didn't want me to see what emotion he was feeling. "I'm not your mate. There's no point in playing pretend Damon. As you said, I do not desire to be hurt when you leave." I looked at the ceiling again.

Do I know why I said that? No. Do I regret it? Yes. This was never what I came here to do. I don't know if I even have feelings for him. All I know is he wants me and sometimes so does Derek. That leaves me in a weird spot. I guess it doesn't though. I'll just do my job and leave. "You have a point.. I can still give you what you want, what you crave." I looked into his eyes again. Black veins were reaching his face and I softly took his hand off my body. "Don't hurt yourself trying to save me. It's not worth it." I looked at him and he shrugged. "Move over." He walked around my bed and so I moved a little more to my right.

He got into the left side of the bed. "Well I think it's worth it for our protection." I looked over at the door to see Derek standing there. He came over and put his hand on my abdomen. I was going to have to tell Damon to leave at some point but for now I don't care. As soon as I'm healed I'll take care of whatever rivals they have and leave. I'll go back to my house.

Get that bread, that head, then leave

The Supernatural Ripper (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now