Number 1 Stan Equals Number 1 Plan

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Thalia's pov
I looked at him waiting for his response I was still very nervous. This advice would probably just set me up for failure either way, honestly. But I need to have hope right now. "I think that the ripper is probably your best shot right now. I just think you should be extremely cautious. He is known for doing whatever he wants so either way I'd be careful with your family while he's here." I watched as he gave me a thumbs up and I nodded.

Allen was always one for giving amazing advice and having the best intuition. "Just remember one thing Thalía. Whether or not this boy is a strong person and has the capability of killing your family. Doesn't mean that he will, he still is just a boy. Whether or not he shows that he has feelings please be careful." Allen smiled at me and I nodded. He shouldn't worry about others too much it could just get him hurt in the end. "Don't worry Allen we won't piss him off." I smiled right back at him and got up from my chair. I started to walk away before I felt a hand touch my arm. "I'm not talking about anger my dearest, Thalia. I'm talking about your children who have amazing charm." I watched as Allan closed his computer and got up from his chair.

After what he said I felt a bit upset. I know that he's right but it still hurt a bit so I just left and walked home. Honestly now that I'm realizing it that was really rude of me. I should have said thank you for staying up till three in the morning just to help me. I now I have to make some sort of plan and to watch how I act. I walked inside of my house but I didn't get to far the lights turned on as soon as I stepped through the door. "So you yell at me and get the last word. Which means you get to leave the house? You were out until three in the morning Thalía where were you?" I looked over at my husband and I realized that I hadn't really left the house as a secret.

I guess that means that I owe something? This is ridiculous, "Last time I checked you yelled at me too. For your information I was out." I just looked at him and didn't say anything else. I went right upstairs and into my room. I didn't wanna wake the kids with what probably would have started out to be a fight with David. Now I'm not sure how we got here exactly but all I know is that David is not the same man as the one that I met. After getting into my room I close the door and pulled out my cell phone. The first thing I did was plug in the number and sent out a text. I needed to get his attention and I needed to do it fast.

(856) 765- 183
I am in need of your help.
My family is in danger,
And I hear your work is

I didn't expect to get a quick response so I turned off my phone and decided a shower would be best. I walked to my bathroom and stripped off all my clothes. It's been a long day so a long shower would be amazing. I thought back to the clinic and the way Allan treated me. He was always so helpful and generous. It wasn't a secret to me that he was in live with me. He had been for years even before I married David. But the rules for supernatural creatures were different back then. I had to marry into a family of werewolves.

I wasn't that upset when I got to meet David. He seemed so kind and funny. I guess as the years went on he just decided it wasn't important to be who he was anymore. I do have a secret that I haven't shared with anyone, not even Allan. The secret is that I'm in love with him as well. I hope that the secret is never discovered by anyone. I quickly washed my hair and body. I turned off the water and stepped out. I quickly dried myself as I heard my phone ringing. I walked into my room to look at my phone but I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I was moving around my room to grab clothes when I heard a laugh on the other side. " 'Oh please help me and my family!!' Thalia Hale, why would I help you? You're a family of filthy mutts." My eyes went wide. It was him and he was incredibly rude, "Please I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't in serious need. Plus me and my family haven't done anything. We live in secret and live like normal people." I put him on speaker then on mute so I could quickly change.

"Thalia if I help you then I have to help the next supernatural family then the next. Eventually I'll loose my title and with the amount of enmities I've made. I think you're probably smart enough to know it won't end well." He sighed and I shook my head I could tell he didn't care much about the situation, "I'll pay you with whatever you'd like. You can stay with my family while you're here. This can be a secret and no one has to know."

I was starting to panic. I don't know this man! I have no idea what he likes! What if he's a psycho? "Well.. I like deals.. although I'm sure everyone would know who I am. My picture is literally on websites and I've been seen by many." He was starting to agree..he wasn't talking to me but more to himself. He was thinking it over and I was hoping his final decision would be yes. "I don't know what this would do to my reputation but I'll do it. In return when I want something your family will give it to me." His tone of voice shifted into a more mischievous tone. Before I could say thank you the line went dead.

The Supernatural Ripper (Sterek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora