Scent marking

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Stiles' pov

I had finished changing already. Grey sweatpants with black socks. I didn't feel the need to put a shirt on. I brushed my teeth and walked right out of the bathroom. I didn't know what I was doing at this point. I feel so mentally exhausted. I've managed to break so many of my rules in the time span of twenty-four hours. I needed a work out. I was about to walk down the stairs when I was suddenly grabbed by the waist. I tried to see who grabbed me but I was shoved against a door. "Ow Jesus." I looked at the person who so rudely shoved me against a wall. I was ready to beat someone's ass. "Sorry but I was thinking you should kiss me, let me scent mark you, and maybe sleep with me." Damon smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

Idiots these days, they rub up against you and all of a sudden they want more. "Absolutely not." I started to push him off of me but he just shoved me against the wall again, "Listen..I know what you felt when I was scent marking you the first time. How long has it been since you've gotten... intimate with someone?" Honestly, he had a point but that would be one of the biggest rules I'd break. Sleeping with a supernatural then saving them from danger? Might as well through away the whole list of rules. "I only sleep with supernaturals to kill them in their sleep." I gave him a small smile. Pushing him off I started walking towards the door, "Then kill me." He grabbed my wrist and I wanted to slap him, "No thanks." As soon as I said that I physically cringed.

I was then slammed to the wall once more and felt a pair of smooth lips on mine. I hate myself! Jesus seriously telling him I wasn't going to kill him was basically an invitation... fuck it. I started to kiss him back because honestly I was already in too deep. I was frustrated with myself for all of this. I won't kiss him ever again! New rule. My hand lifted to touch his jaw as his hands lifted my legs to wrap around his waist. "I don't like that you smell like Derek. Did he kiss you too?" You know at this point I'm so confused. I thought I knew how scent marking works, but apparently I didn't do enough research.

I shook my head no. Escape time! I slapped him and started to run I had one foot out the door when I was slammed back into the wall. I made a sound that sounded like a small squeal and he laughed at me, "Cute." Kiss lips once again selfishly grabbed mine. I was getting annoyed at this point. "Damon what the hell are you doing?" I looked to the door to see Derek standing there. He looked angry..the type of angry that could set hell on fire. I shoved Damon away and started to walk out the door but I was grabbed once again. Only this time it wasn't by Damon it was by Derek.

"This is getting annoying. I hope both of you know that I don't want to screw either of you." I hadn't noticed that Derek dragged me all the way to his room. "Listen, I don't want to repeat what happened back there with you. So I'm just gonna go." I quickly ran out of his room and down the stairs. "Thalia!!" I hate this house and everyone in it dammit! I want to know how scent marking works and I want to know now. "Stiles, is everything alright.. god you smell, interesting to say the least." She had her eyebrows raised and I shook my head. "You're sons are literal animals, tell me everything I need to know about scent marking." I looked at at her and regained my composure.

I will not look like a mess in front of anyone, ever. "Of course, sometimes wolves feel a strong need to scent mark someone. They do it so that everyone can obviously tell that you belong to them. Wolves are very territorial. They'll rub on kiss you the scent lasts longer if the gesture is more.. intimate." She smiled at me and my face scrunched up in disgust. I love playing games and being all territorial like that, but not with supernaturals. I mean.. Damon doesn't seem like a bad idea at the moment but that's a no no. "So why am I wanting to be scent marked?" I wanted to know what was so special about needing me to smell like Damon or Derek.

"I take it by your smell, Damon and Derek are arguing. Derek probably just doesn't like that you smell like Damon. As for my other son, I think he really just wants to get you in bed." I watched as Thalia walked into the kitchen. I hate this, "Will he leave me alone if I give him what he wants?" I asked sighing and she laughed a little. "Damon's a sweet boy, he doesn't show it but he is. Don't give him what he wants. He's a lonely soul he'll want what you can not give him, love." Thalia handed me a cookie and I grunted while taking it. She can't keep giving me a cookie for all my problems. I'd be 10 pounds heavier everyday. I don't speak about my problems often but Jesus if I did, I could probably eat the whole plate of cookies.

"How am I not supposed to touch him while trying to keep him safe? That seems nearly impossible." I looked up at her, she was moving around in the kitchen. I heard her sigh and I shook my head, "Just try not to touch him, if you do you'll have to deal with what comes after that first touch." She turned around and placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. Great, more sweets... fuck it. I took a sip of it and I loved it. I haven't had this stuff since I was young. "And if I were to sleep with him?" I looked at her with careful eyes. I'd do anything to make my job easier. "I'm not sure how that would go, it could fix the problem. He might just want you for sex, but what if you like someone else in this house? You can't keep having sex with Damon." She gave me a soft smile and I shook my head. Ridiculous, she thinks I'd actually like one of her kids.

Okay this is the last chapter for now! Let me know if you think Damon/stiles/Derek should be a thing! It's really Important

The Supernatural Ripper (Sterek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora