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Stiles' Pov

The easiest yet hardest part seemed to be over. I wasn't going to kill Theo because that would be the stupid thing to do. He was the only thing that could and would willingly get us to Damon. I walked back into the Hale house with Theo trailing behind. As I walked in my heart sank into my chest. The whole family stood there looking at me. I could understand what they were thinking. No one here knew why I did what I did except Derek. The rest of them probably thought I didn't care so I went to go "forget" about my problems. "I know this looks bad, but I did it because I made a deal." I looked down at my hands this was the first time in a long time that I'd ever felt judged.

"We know why you did it Derek told us. I would have suggested something else, you don't have to sell your body for information." Thalia shook her head as if she was disgusted. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. Who is she to judge me? She was too afraid to leave her own husband while the man she loved watched her get abused. "I'm going alone, but don't worry I will return with both of your kids." I turned around and headed for the door. "That sounds like a suicide mission. I didn't mean to judge you I'm truly grateful for you." Thalia rushed to my side but I just put my hand up, "If your apology sounded even the least bit sincere I would have accepted it." I opened the door and left the house.

I quickly stopped at my jeep and opened the back door. I lifted a piece of the back floor and took out everything I would need. I quickly strapped on everything I would need and shut the door. "She's right you know." I could feel the burning stare of Theo's grey eyes on the back of my head. "I don't care. Where are they being held?" I hopped into the front seat of my jeep and waited for him to enter the other side. "The abandoned Wearhouse near the exist." Once the door closed I turned on the car and sped off as fast as I could. If I had to hit the breaks the jeep would flip but I needed to get there as fast as possible.

"Slow down before you kill us." The sound of Theo's voice made me frustrated. I should'v left him with the Hales. I get that he doesn't want to die but he could just let me do my thing. I started to slow down as we approached the building. I quickly turned in and saw two people standing guard. This building was huge as hell if there was anything Theo was right about it was that this really is a suicide mission. I quickly opened the passenger side door and shoved Theo out. Soon after I opened my door, "I got your pretty boy, now. Step aside or he dies." I grabbed Theo by the neck to show them that I was serious.

"We don't care for the boy. He was a willing worker for the boss." The guys pointed their guns at us and I was silently praying. I don't even know if I believed in anything but if someone was listening I hope they could help. "Okay, no problem I kill him free of charge." I smiled at them and watched as shock slowly crept onto their faces as I pulled out a gun. I quickly shot them both in the head and rolled my eyes. I opened the doors that I expected to be locked but easy enough for me they weren't. Lights quickly filled the empty space and I was able to see that we were standing at a hallway. Lazers quickly covered the hallway and I laughed, "I wonder how they had time for all of this. We on X-game mode now." I don't know why I couldn't stop laugheding.

Maybe it was because for once I was nervous that I would loose my life. I quickly took out a smoke bomb from the belt that was strapped to my chest and threw it through the lazers. An alarm sounded as the lazers disappeared and the smoke bomb went off. I quickly took out two large guns from my back and prepared myself for the worst. I ran at full speed and started shooting down both paths of the hallway. I started hearing fire go off from other people then suddenly I heard a ear shattering roar come from my left. I quickly started running towards the noise but I was shot twice.

I clutched my side but never stopped running. Where the fuck was Theo when you need him? The hallway suddenly became clear so I started running faster. I heard footsteps starting to get closer so I opened a door and shut myself in it. I started to slow my breathing when I heard whimpering from the corner. My instinct was to tell it to shut up but what if it was Cora or Damon? "St-Stiles?" My heart felt like it was no longer beating. The familiar voice of Cora filled the air instead of Damons raspy one. "Are you hurt?" I asked while trying to shove the feeling of disappointment down.

"No, they've been hurting Damon so that I could get emotionally tortured I-." I didn't let her finish. I walked right out of there, "Stiles why did you fucking leave me?" Theo sounded royally pissed off and I just cringed, "Get the girl and meet me in Damons room." I ran off to the next room that was near Cora's. As I opened it three men turned to look at me and I wasted no time in shooting all of them. When I finished I found a girl kneeling and it was a sight that made me sick to my stomach. I hope this didn't mean what I was thinking, "Let's get out of here, shall we?" I raised a brow a her and she smiled at me thankfully. As I was unchaining her I heard a bone wrenching scream come from the next door over and my heart felt in pain. Damon was in the next room I just know it. I need to get there now.

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