Red faced

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Derek's pov
"Hey uhm so if we do this how are you going to handle it? Because I know I hate him but he's my.-" I was cut off by Stiles' lips on mine. For whatever reason, I was so nervous for this conversation. I know he's my mate and I love him but he's also my brothers. "I can handle both of you it won't be an issue." Stiles smiled up at me and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. I wrapped him in a hug and just carried him back to my room. I've never wanted anything more in life than to just lay down with him. It was a shocked when he had kissed me that night he came back. I thought he hated me with every fiber in his body but I'm happy he did it.

"I wanted to keep talking to Thalia why are we going to your room?" Stiles tried to get me to let go of him but I wouldn't. I wanted to sleep with him in my arms it's not much to ask for. "I want to sleep with you in my arms." I shrugged as I entered my room. I was going to set him down on my bed when I saw someone else on there. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I looked down at Theo and he just smirked at me, "He's still single.. consider this me shooting my shot." He winked over at Stiles who just laughed at him. How is he finding this funny? This guy is literally trying to get in his pants all the time. "You idiot, what do you need?" Stiles continued laughing but finally broke free of my grasp and sat down next to Theo.

"Honestly.. I'm a little lonely. I tried to talk to the little cutie named Isaac but he doesn't seem to trust me all that much." Theo sighed looking down at his hands. I'm glad Isaac doesn't trust him. This guy probably sleeps with anything that breaths. "It's alright you just need to warm up to him a little. Try telling him you don't actually flirt with everyone because you like them. Tell him it's just something you do and you like to joke around about it. I'm sure he'll understand." Stiles wrapped him in a hug and I could feel my eyes starting to burn from shifting. God if he would just not touch Theo that would be amazing. "I can hear you by the way." Isaac popped his head out of the bathroom. I watched as Theo went red but quickly composed himself.

"Sorry." Both Theo and Stiles said in unison, they laughed a little but still looked at Isaac. Isaac walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on. I watched as Theo's jaw dropped and Stiles closed it by pushing his hand under Theo's chin. "I think you broke him?" Stiles sort of questioned Isaac who laughed, "Considering the fact that he's not flirting with anyone I'd say yes." I watched as Theo just stood up with his face red and walked over to Isaac's room. "I'm kinda nervous to go back in there." Isaac coughed a little and looked over at Stiles. Honestly, it's like I'm not in the damn room.

"Don't be nervous he won't do anything you don't want him to. I know he's usually persistent but something tells me he's gonna be acting different around you." Stiles winked at Isaac who just blushed a little in return. "You really think he's a good guy?" Isaac looked nervous and even though I'm sure Theo was listening in on the conversation, Stiles' Heart beat was as steady as ever. "I do, he's a gigantic flirt but I think it's a coping mechanism. He's a good guy and I think he likes you a shit ton. You guys could even be mates for all we know so just.. give him a chance." Stiles smiled at Isaac and I watched as he walked out closing the door to the bathroom.

"Finally we're alone." I let out a small huff and Stiles laughed, "Derek I forgot you were here." I could tell he was teasing me but I was so over it. I jumped onto the bed and tackled him, "Don't say that." I flashed my eyes at him but he just laughed at me. "Is the big bad wolf upset? I'd be careful if I were you I'm pretty dangerous." Stiles smirked at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "I don't think you have anything prepared for me mr.hunter." I flashed him my fangs for a second the watched as he propped himself up on his elbows. "I do have something prepared for you."

A grin appeared on his face before he captured my lips in a kiss. "This is not the equivalent of the hell that could be given to me. This is pure Heaven." I kissed him once more then rolled over to the side of him. "You know.. Theo's right." I looked over at Stiles and he looked confused. "What?" I watched as he laid down then turned to face me, "You're technically still single.." I looked him in the eyes and waited. I'm not sure what I was waiting for, "Shouldn't we wait for Damon before we talked about this? I mean you could ask me out instead of stalling but when Damon eventually asks the same..then what?" Stiles looked anywhere but my face.

I can understand how this conversation is awkward. "Then you say yes to him too? I thought you said you have everything figured out? Just have two separate relationships." I have no idea why the suggestion sounded so normal to me. I guess it just made sense as to what he could do? I mean what else is there? "Yeah that doesn't sound terrible." He smiled at me and I nodded. As I was turning around to my other side I caught him rolling his eyes. What?

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