All better

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Stiles' pov

I woke up tangled up in semi-thin arms. I opened my eyes to see Isaac looking back at me. "How is it that you wanted nothing to do with me and now you're hands are all over me?" My voice was so raspy it was clear that I had just woken up. "Well I seem to like you now more than I did yesterday." A small laugh came from his lips, can't tell you how happy I felt so early in the- oh it's just 10 am. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. If I were you I would too or you'll start to smell like wet dog." I stuck my tongue out at him and he growled a bit. I started to walk a bit faster but it was no use, Isaac had ran to tackle me onto the floor. I started laughing uncontrollably until I realized Derek was standing over us.

"Well if it isn't the puppy and the psycho. Get up and get out." He didn't seem to happy with either of us. He should at least be nice towards Isaac, "No need to be an ass towards Isaac." I rolled my eyes as I slipped out from under Isaac. I walked downstairs but it was completely trashed. I heard crying and loud screams. Well I guess this is my fault. "Laura you need to calm down." I walked around the corner to see Thalia and her daughter talking. Laura looked as if she was ready to rip everyone apart. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes, werewolves. I took an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it, "Hey Thalia, I was thinking..maybe I should train your kids. Ya know? They could pick up a ton of skills from me. Your-." I was able to finish my sentence as a deep growl came from Laura, "You did this." I nodded.

There wasn't anything else to it. I killed her father and I didn't feel bad. She looked surprised by my bluntness. "Why?" Tears started to swell in her eyes I took another bite out of the apple, "He wasn't a good man. I did what I had to...what I wanted to." She looked disgusted. I'm not surprised she probably thinks I'm a terrible person. "You probably don't even feel bad. What's your deal?" She no longer looked upset but curious. "A friend of mine once said 'If you're gonna be bad, be bad with a purpose. Otherwise, you're jus not worth forgiving' and he was right. I'm bad but I have a purpose. I have a purpose for everything I do that someone says is wrong." I smiled at the memory of my old friend. I miss him.

"So then what was your purpose?" Laura still looked very curious and I sighed, "He was a bad person. Never home with his children. He had to be replaced with his pack emissary that he bullied. He hit you. And always yelled at your mom. You were all afraid of him. It's also my job." I watched as she nodded slowly. I hope that everyone heard what I said because I honestly don't feel like saying it over and over again. I walked upstairs and entered the bathroom. I sighed as I stripped off all my clothes. I hated when people asked me questions about my job. I stepped into the empty shower and turned on the hot water. This was much needed I felt the hot water burn my back.

I've never felt more at peac- Ah shit. I forgot to grab my soap. Normally I wouldn't freak out about it but I was in a house full of werewolves. They have this huge thing about marking people with their scents. I didn't want to be part of that but I don't seem to have a choice right now. Oh how I love smelling like the sexually confused teenager in the room next to me. I quickly washed myself and stepped out of the shower. Jesus- could this get any worse? I left my damn towel in my room. No big deal... no one should be in there anyway. I picked up after myself and walked into my room. I threw the gross clothes in the hamper and sighed.

"Well hello to you too." A familiar raspy voice sounded from behind me. "Damon, royally fuck off or pass me my damn towel." I quickly took hold of my bottom area. I didn't want him to see what I'm "packing". I felt fabric hit my shoulder. Quickly grabbing it with one hand and wrapping myself in it I turned around. "Did you need something?" I was looking into his eyes for some sort of foul play. "Jesus you smell like..shit." Damon grabbed his nose in attempt to keep the smell out of his nose. "Wha- oh Derek..yeah forgot my soap in here." I laughed trying to lighted up my mood but it didn't help. He seemed sort of angry "It's kinda rude that you think I smell like shit. I think he smells nice." Derek winked at me and I shit you not, I've never been more confused.

"What's happening here?" I walked into my closet and quickly slipped on my boxer briefs. I walked back out to see them both looking at each other. "Wow no answer?" I asked looking at them both. When I didn't get an answer from them I started to walk back to the closet. I didn't get a chance because I was slammed to the wall. "Careful I'm still hurt- ahm stop." I looked to see Damon presses against my body. Slamming me to the wall didn't hurt but him rubbing his body against mine is doing something else. "Damon, cut it out p-please." I took in a deep breathe. I hadn't have human contact like this in years. I was let down softly and boy was I happy.

"There all better." Damon kissed my check and left the room. I looked over at Derek who seemed to be so angry. If this was a cartoon steam would come out of his ears.

🤚this is very important to the plot please answer this question!🤚
Do we like Damon as just competition? Would you guys like it if I made Derek and Damon fall in love with Stiles so Stiles ends up like marrying both of them?

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