The truth and only the truth

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I woke up fearing the worst. Tied to a chair in a dirty warehouse, surrounded by sweaty men with gold teeth and scars....what I got was the complete opposite

I woke up in a comfy bed with fluffy pillows, silk sheets and warm sun from the windows. Instead of sweaty gold tooth gangsters, I got a 4 year old staring at me from the end of the bed "Uh....hello" I greet, unsure of what the fuck was going on

"Hi" She giggles. I notice her black eyes but she has beautiful golden hair and a cheeky smile "You sleep forever" She giggles again

"Um....sorry about that" I touch my forehead and feel a bandage

"Does your boo boo hurt?" She asked cutely

" feels okay"

"I helped Mummy fix it" She says proudly


"What's your name?"



"Bellarose! I told you not to come in here!" I blond woman walks in but stops when she looks at me "Oh! You're awake"

"Uh huh" I narrow my eyes at her

"If you're feeling up to it, breakfast is ready" She says

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask

"About 15hrs"

"What?!" I gasp loudly

"You took quite a knock to the head" She sighs "It wasn't supposed to be like that. They were supposed to take you but not so aggressively"

"They shouldn't have taken me at all" I growl, sitting up in a huff

"We did ask nicely but I believe 2 of your mates and a succubus wouldn't allow it" She shrugs "If you'll please calm down and come to breakfast, my wife will explain everything"

I narrow my eyes at her more and clench my jaw "P'ease Waime, come to breakfast" The little girl pleads "Mummy is really good cook"

I look at Bellarose and back at the woman, they both have pleading looks "Fine" I sigh "If I must"

"Yay" The little girl claps and comes to my side of the bed holding out her hand "I'll take you, I know way, real good"

I'm relieved when the sheet is pulled off me that I'm still in my clothes. Bellarose pulls me gently with her hand and guides me out of the room

I look around the hallway and see beautiful portraits of unknown individuals in armour, or standing opulantly by a thrown. One of them gets my attention. It's of a woman standing next to another. The first woman has beautiful long brown hair and pale blue eyes, she's looking lovingly at the other who has black eyes but a kind smile. The love they share from this portrait alone makes me smile....but I know the brown haired woman....I know I do

Bellarose keeps pulling me until we come to a dining room. At the table are 5 individuals and 3 children "Ahhh! The saviour has awoken" A woman at the head of the table smiles "Welcome, welcome. Please have a seat"

"You can sit next to me Waime" Bellarose giggles and guides me to 2 empty seats in the middle of the table. I sit in one and lift the little girl onto the other

I look up and that same familiar woman is smiling at me "I know you" I tell her "But I'm not sure where"

She giggles and the woman from the painting kisses her on the cheek "I believe you saw my portrait at the council mansion" She says

"That's it" I gasp "Your portrait was above the throwns" I look at her than frown and look at the demons at the table "But....why are you here?"

"I am the truth you must be told" She says

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