The wait

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(Waima POV)

Its been 2 days since Zoe and Lucy did their thing. Grandma came home when she shouldn't have, but no one had the guts to stop her....the woman can be mean. I felt so sorry for security at the hospital. She grabbed a passing patients walking stick and started hitting the ones stopping her from leaving with us

We've pretty much stayed cooped up in our rooms praying everything will work out. My in-laws said it'll take a couple of days until my parents wake up but the hospital assured us that they'll call as soon as they do. We've also been avoiding Grandma so we don't have to explain about this new world....unfortunately though, she bailed us all up in the living room "Okay peoples" She says with narrowed eyes sitting across from us "What's this about the supernatural and don't try to pussy foot around it" She points at the 3 of us accusingly. My mates bailed this morning along with Sarah and Jeffery

"Uh....what do you want to know?" Tui mumbles

"Everything" Grandma says seriously

"Well it's all true" I sigh "Vampires, werewolves, witches, elves, fairies....all of it. Every folklore that was ever told about the creatures of the night are true, and Vanguard is where they mainly live"

Her expressions changes from shocked, to intrigue, to fear "A-and de-demons?" Grandma stutters

"Yes, but they're not what you think" I quickly answer "They're like you and me. All they want to do is live their lives and raise their children in peace" After explaining to everybody why I was kidnapped, the council decided to do more research into the matter. They didn't believe me at first but once I started mentioning names, the likely hood of it being true became apparent

"So They're not monsters?" Grandma questions

"That's a pretty vague term Gran" Jay-Jay points out "Humans can be monsters as well"

"Every supernatural has been called a monster at one point in a story" Tui adds "You've met 3 kinds of supernatural already"

"So I heard" Grandma sighs "But the demons kidnapped Waima, and tried to kill your mother"

"Yes the demons kidnapped me, but that was because they desperately wanted to talk to me"

"Why didn't they ask?"

"They did, but because of a so and so from years back, demons have had it bad, also, they didn't hurt Mum. When a demon attacks, only 4 of their fingers from each hand grows claws,  their thumb stays the same. Mum had 5 claw mark wounds on her body"

"Someone's framing them?" Grandma gasps

"I think so" I tell her. She sits and listens as each of us tell her about our mates and this new world. Her eyes watch us intently as we explain about what I'll be doing in a months time and she did not look happy

"So they have to kill you?"


"If not, they all die, including your parents now?"

"Yep" Tui nods

"I need a drink" Grandma stands up and limps over to the fridge, grabs a beer from inside and chugs it. Once finished, she grabs another and does the same. I look at my siblings who are staring right back at me. Grandma Eddy doesn't drink, or at least she never did before. She always called it 'The devils juice' and only those who have lost their way from the path of God would cosume it. Once finishing her 4th bottle, she limps back to her seat in the living room "Okay" She sighs, getting comfortable again "This is a lot to take in" She chuckles dryly "That'll explain why no hospital in the world could do my operation but the one here"

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