We broke him

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(Waima POV)

Today is the day of the funeral. Elisa came out of her room looking worse for wear but knew she had to come out if her hide-y hole. Jenny has been by her side the whole time

Looking at my friends, I wonder how they're going to react when the truth about Jenny's heritage comes out. I hope they except it as well as I've excepted mine

Getting ready to leave, my mates are dressed to impress. Tala is wearing a spaghetti strapped black dress that cuts of at the knees. She's wearing 9 inches heels that show off her gorgeous feet

Lilth is in a off the shoulder black dress that's a little short for my liking. I don't say anything about it cause she looks really good....too good. She's wearing black 6inch heels with purple soles

Carmen went the more conservative way and is wearing a black suit that hugs her body so very nicely

I covered myself with black dress pants and a silk black shirt with a black tie. My black jacket had a white rose in its pocket to give a little homage to Mrs Gato. It was her favourite flower and Mr Gato used to surprise her all the time with a dozen white roses every now and then. My mates put the rose in their hair and I think we're ready to go. I give myself one last look before walking out of the bedroom door

Downstairs is a lot of people, friends and work colleagues of the family occupy the living room and kitchen. Jenny stands in the living room, holding Elisa close to her as everyone gives their condolences. Cara and Janna are walking around making sure that everyone is okay. What I didn't expect was the family of the man who killed Elisas parents to be at the door

Elisa sees them and I'm not sure how'd she react. As expected from my big hearted best friend, she walked to the woman holding a baby and hugging her tightly. I look at Jenny confused and she walks over to us "The guy who killed her parents died 2 nights ago" Jenny says "He left behind 2 young sons and daughter. No one knew he had a problem until the toxicology report came in. His wife and mother wanted to come to apologise"

"That's so sad" Carmen whispers

"They sent Elisa a letter yesterday, telling her of their intentions. I'm glad they went through with it. Elisa isn't the only one who lost someone" Jenny sighs sadly

"So that's why you both disappeared the other night" I sigh

"Yeah. My baby needed some fresh air to think about what to do. We went for a walk to the park and just sat, looking at the stars"

"We always did that when we needed to think" I smile at the memories

"Remember when we all fell asleep?"

"Oh god, we got in so much trouble" I laugh

"It didn't help that the police officer who found us, told our parents that we were having an orgy in the park" Jenny laughs "At least my parents took it well"

"Yeah" I chuckle. Not sure I'd want to be around when she realised why her parents didn't freak out that night

"Alright ladies and gentlemen" Clara calls out "The time has come"

We all walk out of the house and get into the waiting limos. Clara and Janna wanted this day to go off without a hitch so with input from Elisa, they organised everything and paid for it as well. Elisa was grateful for less stress to be on her and Jenny was grateful that her girlfriend was smiling again

The trip to cemetery was slow and depressing. The funeral car holding both parents drove the streets I was raised in. The streets that held fond memories of Elisa, Jenny and I growing up and stressing out our parents

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