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(Waima POV)

"Tie or no tie?" I ask Tui as I stood in front of my mirror. I'm wearing black fitted jeans, a brown belt, white button down with the sleeves rolled up on my forearm and a black, double breasted British style vest. I'm holding my grey silk tie against my throat

"Considering who you're seeing, definitely tie" Tui says while relaxing in my bed. I give her a nod and continue to dress "Are you nervous?"

"Yes" I grunt as I put on my boots "Zoe isn't the nicest of mothers"

"She was okay when we met her" Tui shrugged

"Were you even paying attention when we were at the Amityville house? Or did you zone out?" I ask as I stand and look at my reflection again. I straighten up my tie and give a satisfied hum at what I see

"I was listening" Tui protests "But she came around afterwards. I probably would've done the same as her if it was to protect my son"

I spin around and glare at Tui "You can't be serious? He raped and tormented a girl and her family" I growl at her "He caused their deaths. Did you forget it was your mates family it happened to?"

"Of course not" She growls back "I'm just saying. What would you do if it was your son?"

"Throw him to the wolves" I tell her matter-of-factly "This world doesn't need vile monsters like that"

"We'll you're a bigger person than I am" Tui sighs Something's not right with her

I walk over to her and sit on the bed "What's going on babe?" I ask her softly

"With everyone talking about babies at the moment....I....I want a baby" She sighs

I blink a few times, processing what I just heard "Really?"

"Yeah" She sits up straighter and rest her head on my shoulder "I'm just afraid that I'll be a terrible mother. I mean, look at what we got?" She chuckles bitterly

"We learn from others mistakes babe" I try to comfort her by gently rubbing her back "What they did wrong, we make right"

"I guess"

"Have you and Sarah talked about it?" I feel her nod "And what does she say?"

"She wants what I want" Tui sighs "But I see the apprehension in her body language"

"Why do you think that is?" I ask

"Maybe she thinks we're too young, or not ready, or....God, I don't know. Whenever I ask her, all she says is 'Whatever you want baby' and carries on with what she was doing. I just want her to talk to me" She huffs

"You both really need to talk about it" I tell her "Lock yourselves in a room and really talk"

"I suppose"

"But you must also accept her opinion as much as she has to accept yours babe. Relationships are all about communication. What she wants, might not necessarily be want you want, but it doesn't make it wrong. You both must come up with a compromise that favours you both"

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