You have no choice!

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It's been a few days since I found my mates and school has been....different. When I walk through the corridors alone, everybody bows....they literally bow. I'm not sure if I like it yet or not but complaining about it just gets me a head slap from Tala, Carmen or Lilith

I found out that I'm the one. The tri-bird everyone has been searching for. I mean....yay, but whenever I bring it up, my mates quickly change the subject. I'm not sure why and I don't want to press the issue if it makes them uncomfortable but, I thought this was a good thing

Thankfully, with my new status, my sister and brother reap the benefits as well. Jay-Jay has more friends than he knows what to do with and Tui pretty much the same. I've met most of them and they're pretty cool. Sarah gets jealous at the girls Tui is seen with sometimes but Tui puts her mind at ease, by taking her into a storage closet know

Jay-Jay is still avoiding Mr Jeffery Rubbershire. Tomorrow we're going to meet him in the park. Dad told Mum and she lost it. I'm pretty sure Mum is part demon, cause the things she was saying about Jeffery freaked me out and I like horror movies. It took 3 days for her to come to terms with it but thankfully, she has

We're sitting in Supernatural studies listening to the history of the treaties when I get an idea. If anyone would know why my loves are avoiding the tri-brid subject, it'll be Mrs Clipso 1....I really got to figure out another name for her and her wife. Speaking of Mrs Clipso 2, she's a witch. I found that out when she broke her heel walking into school one morning and fixed it with a purple swirl

I wait until class is over and watch the room empty as I stay in my seat. Mrs Clipso 1 looks up at me curiously

"Waima? Are you okay?"

I shake my head "May I ask a question Mrs Clipso?"

"You can ask anything you like Waima. If I can answer it, I will"

I take a big breath then tell her about whats been happening "I just thought they'd be happy"

Mrs Clipso 1 stands up and walks over to me. She leans against the desk in front of me with a very serious expression "Do you know what is needed of you to be the one?" She asks quietly. I shake my head. She sighs then turns a chair around so she can sit

"Is it that bad?" I ask, unsure if I want the answer

"It could be" Fuck "In order for you to have the powers, they have to....change you"

"Change me how?" Frowning

"They have to turn you"

"That doesn't sound so bad. We talked about it yesterday. Werewolves bite you, vampires bite you and you drink their blood and a witch or warlock transfer some of their power to you. You said it's almost painless" It was a really interesting subject. Tui, Jay-Jay and I were enthralled in the topic, considering our mates, it's something that will effect us personally

"For most who only have one mate....but...." She looks down and shakes her head

"But....?" I ask, needing her to finish her sentence

"But you're different. The process is different"

"How so?"

"You have to die"

"WHAT?!" I stand up in shock "WHY?!" I can feel myself start to tremble

"Your body has to refresh itself" Mrs Clipso 1 tries to calmly tell me

"But....but....but...." I don't want to die "You can't be serious?"

"It's true. I'm sorry you have to hear it from me. Your mates should've told you, but I guess, they're wrestling with it as well"

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