I've been looking for you

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Today my brother is meeting his mate in the park. I can see how nervous he is just by seeing how tense his posture is

We're all sitting around the breakfast bar eating but all Jay-Jay is doing is pushing his food around

"Hey" I call out, getting his attention. He looks like he's about to lose it "It'll be fine. You know he's been waiting for you his whole life. There's nothing to worry about"

"I know" He groans "I'm just so nervous. What if I'm not what he expected? What if he's disappointed? What if....What if I'm not enough?"

The desperation in his voice sounds so sad, so broken

"Hey!" Tui shouts "I don't want to hear you say something like that. I know what it feels to not be enough and yet, I have Sarah. Don't ever put yourself down again or I'll kick your ass" Not the best pep talk but with the small smile on Jay-Jay face, it seemed to do the trick

"Well, we better all get going" Mum smiles. Did I forget to mention that our parents are coming? It wasn't our idea, it was Dads. He said he wanted to have a couple of words with Jeffery much to the dismay of Jay-Jay

We all clean up our dishes and head to the car. My loves said they'll meet us there and bring Sarah with them

"I'm so excited" Mum says as she bounces in the front passenger seat. Dad just grunts as he starts the car and drives out of the driveway. I'm not sure why we had to drive, the park is a 10 minute walk from our place so it would've been fine to walk

We arrive at the park. Thankfully, it's a nice clear day and not to warm. There are a lot of kids running around with dogs and parents everywhere

Tui and I scoped out the park yesterday after the celebrations which consisted of me getting drilled and talked to by the mothers.  Apparently, I will die several different ways if I hurt any of my mates. It scared the shit out of me and I couldn't sleep a wink when we got home

Tui and I lead everyone to a little forested area not far from the main area. It's a little hidden but not to creepy

"Okay, now what?" Jay-Jay huffs

"Now we wait" Tui shrugs

Mum and Dad sit on a bench while us 3 sit on the grass. It doesn't take long before I hear the most beautiful voice in the world

"Are we late?" I hear Carmen call out behind me. A smile crosses my lips and I stand up straight away walking to the 3 goddesses

"Hi my loves and no you're not late"

They pull me into a group hug and I kiss each of them. I hear giggling behind me and know Sarah and Tui are going at it

"I told Jeffery I needed to meet him here" Lilith smiles "He should be here any minute"

I hear Jay-Jay audibly gulp

I look at him and see his knee caps bouncing up and down. I know that's a sign for him to run. He stands up but Tui instantly runs behind him with her hands on his shoulders and I run to the front of him, holding his arms at his side

"Don't even think about it" I growl

He gives me a pleading look but I glare at him

"I just need some air" He wimpers

"We're outside, you ass-hair" Tui always had a way with words

"I'll just take a quick walk and I'll be back" He says innocently

"Nope!" Both Tui and I respond

"Just a quick walk. You won't even know I'm gone"

"Look Jay-Jay. He needs to see you. You're both fated together before even he was born. This is happening" I tell him in my softest tone "He's going to fall head over heels for you, I promise"

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