13|| You really have to go?

810 20 0

I didnt sleep well last night, probably because i know the next time I sleep in the bed, Liam wont be in it with me. The thought that Liam will be gone for one whole month put me in a state of paranoia and i hated it.

I got up just as I usually did but today the baby kicked ALOT more. I wobbled down the stairs to see there was a guy i didnt know standing next to the front door and Liam sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen.

"Good Morning babe" he said as he walked over to me and pecked me on the forehead

"Goodmorning" i said as i leaned into his ear and wishpered "Who is that"

"Oh" he yelled louder than i wanted him to "This is Phil" "Phil" turned around and waved.

I waved back and could feel the redness creeping up my cheeks

"Phil is here to put in an alarm system so i can worry about you a tiny bit less while im gone. But im still going to be worried sick" he said and flashed me a smile

"Ok" i said

I walked over to the fridge, got a out the milk then walked over to the cabinet and got a bowl and the cereal of my choice, 'Cinnamon Toast Crunch"

Just of my luck, while I was about to pour the milk out, it slipped out of my hand and the milk splattered ALL over the floor

"Ah Crap" i said

Liam rushed over and grabbed the rag. "Dont bend down, ive got it" He said

"Thanks babe" i yelled as I was walking up the stairs.

I decided to look just a little bit more presentable since there was a person here

I decided to lighten the mood and turn on some music. I decided on "18", It was by far one of my favorite songs on their new album.

I got up, went to the bathroom and started straightening my hair. I just did my usual routine and after i looked a little bit presentable.

I was laying in our bed when i heard a glass crash against the ground and i could tell it shattered. My heart immediately began racing, there was a guy i didnt know in my house and i just heard a glass shatter.

I was debating on weather i should call 911 or not and i decided i should just call Niall

I scrolled through my contact and finally found Nialls name

"Ring Ring"

"Hello" his Irish accent glared though the phone

"Hey Niall theyres this guy here installing an alarm system and I just heard a glass sharter downstairs. Everything may be fine but Im scared to go check it out, will you come over?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he said "ill be there in 5"

"Thanks Niall, I owe you one, Bye" 


I hit the red button on the bottom of the screen and then slid the phone in my back pocket.

I decided that Niall would be here soon and that i should go check

I walked out of our room and reached the place where you could see the living room right next to the staircase, but I couldnt see anything

i walked slowly down the stairs and I rounded the corner to see Phil with his arm around Liams neck with a gun to his temple

"Hello beautiful" Phil said

"Why dont you come take a seat next to us" Phil nodded his head toward the chair next to him and Liam that had rope, duct tape, plastic bag and scissors in it.

"No" i said

He took the gun off of Liams temple and pointed it towards my stomach

"What did you say" he said

I walked up to the chair and he put the gun back on Liams temple

"Dont move" he said to liam

He took the rope, plastic bag, scissors and duct tape out of the seat and motioned for me to sit down

He wrappped duct tape around my legs so i couldnt move out of the chair and put duct tape from my stomach around the back of the chair, but i could still move my arms

My phone went off; "Damn it" i thought

I took the phone out of my back pocket to see what it said before he took it away

It was Niall, it said "Pulling in driveway now"

Phil ran over and looked out the window but he forgot to take my phone. I hit "emergency call" on the lock screen and slipped it into my back pocket, making sure I turned the sound off this time


OMG!! What do you guys think??

Sorry i havent updated in a while and this was pretty short but i wanted to give you guys a little something :)

Are you guys enjoying this story??

Also shoutout to the girl who voted on every single chapter i have posted lol you guys are amazing

Were almost to 1k reads!! thats AMAZING. thank you all soooooooooooooo much


Love you all,

Melody XX

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