3 || Under the moonlight

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My mood has been lifted up since the appointment I went to with Perrie, I'm really happy for them, they're amazing. Perrie feels bad since they're not married but me and Zayn have been talking and he's going to propose to her soon. Ever since Perries appointment, its made me kind of want a kid. I mean me and Liam are both young, I could be a stay-at-home mom and Liam could work. He would only have to go on tour for a little bit, but I guess well see what happens. I know Liam wants kids but I haven't really talked to him about what I'm thinking.

I was laying in the bed next to Liam and after thinking about him, he started running his hands through my hair. Sometimes I feel like he knows what I'm thinking, weird right?

I turned over and stared straight into Liam's eyes

"Good morning love" he said

"Good morning" I replied

"Look" he said, "I have a date planned for us tonight I wont tell you were it is or anything, but I promise you you'll love it"

"Ok, I believe you" I said; and Liam pulled me in for a kiss

After we both pulled away I pulled up the courage to ask Liam about kids

"Liam" I asked


"I was wondering what you thought about having kids, after being at the appointment with Perrie the other day it kind of made me want kids, and I think if we both tried, we could make it work." I sat there nervous for his reply

"Lindsay, I would love to have kids with you, whenever you want to" He said and smiled really big

"Yay" I squealed and then giggled, I had tears running down my cheeks because I was so happy about his answer

"Now", he said I need to take a shower, care to join me?" He asked biting his lip

"Absolutely" I said

Liam and I both headed for the bathroom and Liam shut the door behind us even though no one else was here

After we had stripped all of our clothes off and we jumped in the shower, we heard someone open the door to the bathroom

I gave Liam a questionable look and he gave me one back. He peeked out of the shower curtain and a "hey mate" filled the room

"Jesus Niall." Liam said "you can't just come into my house and barge into my bathroom whenever you feel like it."

"Yeah, seriously" I said

"Ooooohhh, Lindsay in there with you, why didn't you tell me?" "I'll leave you 2 alone, oh and hi Lindsay" he said I couldn't help but laugh, Niall is so funny

Obviously me and Liam got out of the shower shortly after that because it wasn't like me and Liam could do anything since Niall could barge in at any moment.

After that I got dressed and called Perrie to see how she was feeling about the baby now. I pulled out my Iphone and went to the contact "Perrie" and hit the green phone icon

"Ring, Ring, Ring, Rin-"

"Hello" said Perrie

"Hey perrie its Lindsay"

"Whats up love?"

" I was just wondering how youre feeling today now that you know your having a little boy"

"Im feeling very excited, but i cant believe im already that far along like we only have about 3 months to prepare for this little guy"

"Well if you need any help Liam and I can always help you."

Liam's BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ