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Update from Lindsay's POV

After i called Liam, he immediately came to the hospital.

But that was 2 weeks ago. I am now home and I am in great condition! I am now 7 1/2 months pregnant and today im going with Perrie for her final doctors appointment before the twins are born!

Liam and I almost have our nursery done for our little girl and we decided to name her Elizabeth Grace. I love that name!

Lindsay's POV

I woke up feeling incredibly happy, my life is perfect and I just cant wait to meet our baby girl. I was still laying in bed when my phone started ringing and the name "Perrie" popped up on the screen.

"Good Morning" I said

"Hey babe, we are on our way to the hospital my water just broke" Perrie said more calmly than i every imagined she would

"What? ok ill be there in 20 I have to wake Liam up" I said "ahh im so excited" i added

"I know me too see you there, bye" she said


I put my phone back on the nightstand and then turned toward Liam to wake him up

"Liam" I said

"ugh what"

"Perrie is on her way to the hospital, we have to go" I said

I thought Liam wasnt going to get up as quick as he did but he surprised me which made my life easier


At the hospital

We had just gotten into Perries room and she was having pretty heavy contractions now. The doctors said she was having an extremely quick labor.

There were only 2 people besides the mom allowed in the room and Perrie & Zayn's parents couldnt make it so it was Zayn and I!

It was weird watching what ill have to go through in just 2 short months. I thought i wouldnt be ready to do this because it looks like a lot of pain but Perrie is rocking it especially with twins.

Perrie asked for some ice chips so i walked down to the cafeteria and stumbled upon all of the boys

"Hey guys" i said and they each came over and gave me a hug

"I'm going to get Perrie ice chips" I said "the doctors said that she was progressing quickly so i gotta go fast"

I pecked Liam on the lips and waddled as fast as I could to the cafeteria

When I got back in the room Perrie had never been more thankful for ice chips then in that moment

She was 10 centimeters dialated and the doctors said that it was time to push

I stood on one side and Zayn stood on the other so we could both hold her hand. She has sweat dripping from her face but she was still as beautiful as could be

After 2 long minutes of pushing and having Perrie nearly squeeze my hand off of my arm, Baby girl Malik had made her arrival

They placed her on Perrie chest but took her off because they had to get the other baby out

The doctors told Perrie to push and Baby boy Malik popped out quicker than the baby girl. The doctors didnt place Hunter on Perrie chest though, a nurse ran out of the room with him and Perrie started freaking out.

"What wrong with my baby" she kept saying

Zayn and I exchanged a concerning look and Zayn said he was going to find out since nobody would tell Perrie

Zayn's POV

I opened the door and all of the boys were standing in the hallway

There were no congratulations from them or smiles, they just wanted to know why they saw a nurse run out of the room with a baby in a blue blanket.

"I dont know" i said "But im going to find out"

I ran down the hallway the same direction the nurse went the hallway split into to directions, one right and one left but I saw the bright yellow scrubs the nurse was wearing at the very end of the hallway on my right

When I got to the end of the hallway she had already went into a door that said "Hospital staff only"

I started banging on the door to see if anybody would open up and nobody would so ijust kept banging on the door

Finally a really old grumpy nurse opened the door and said "What do you want"

"They just took my son in there and id like to know whats wrong with him" 

"The cord was wrapped around his neck and he had no oxygen supply, they are working on him now but he should be fine" she said

"ah thank you" I said brething a sigh of relief knowing that my son was ok

Lindsay's POV

Perrie had officially lost it, but I dont blame her at all

Zayn had not come back yet since he said he was going to find out what was wrong with Hunter and I was getting concerned as well.

Baby girl was still in the room so I had Perrie focus her attention on her

Not long after that, Zayn came into the room and said that everything was fine now

The actual doctor that was in the room said that all the babies and their mum should be able to leave at the same time

"Wow im a mum" Perrie said

"Im a dad" Zayn said and leaned in and gave Perrie a kiss then kissed their little girl

"What should we name her" Perrie asked

"I like the name Molly"

"OK Molly May" she said "what do you think Zayn"

"I love it" he said


Yay! The Malik twins are here!!!

What do you think of their names?

Sorry I havent updated in so long! How was you Christmas or whatever you celebrate? Mine was great

I hope you like this Chapter! Reccomend this book or leave comments and I will dedicate a chapter to you!!

Thank you all so much for all of the love!




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