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I sat there beginning to shake, I knew something bad was about to happen.

Niall walked right in and he saw me taped to the chair and Phil holding a gun to Liam head

"Oh god" he said and managed to turn around and run out the door. Immediately Phil ran out after him and Liam and I were alone

"Do you have anything to cut me out of here with" i asked

'Yeah" he said

He walked over to the counter grabbed a knife and walked back over. He cut the duct tape off of my legs and started taking it off the chair when Phil walked back in through the open door Liam never shut

Before I could process what was happening, he shot Liam in the back and turned and ran away

"LIAM" I yelled

Just then Niall ran back into the house "Oh shit" was all he said

I sat there running my fingers through Liam's hair as Niall was on the phone with 911

"Babe" Liam managed to choke out

"What, talk to me" I said

"If I dont make it i want you to tell the baby that I tried. I tried to be alive to see Elizabeth Grace Payne be born and I just couldnt fight through. Tell her that daddy had to earn his wings early but he tried. And you, and you" he said wiping a tear off my cheek "Youll be fine without me, you can make it i promise, your a strong woman and your going to be a fantastic mummy, I love you" he said

"But Lia-" I said as he stopped me

"I forgot one thing" He said "Its ok to love someone else once im gone"

His eyes started slowly to close as i noticed the puddle of blood around his torso

"LIAM" i yelled "Stay with me"

"I love you" he said as he closed his eyes completely, but this time he didn't open them 


I've been sitting in this waiting room for 2 hours with Perrie, Zayn, the twins, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Simon.

Im tired cranky and absolutely miserable. I just want my Liam to be ok

The paramedics got there shortly after Liam closed his eyes and ive been a absolute wreck ever since

They havent even come to tell me "Hes in surgery" or "Im sorry Mrs. Payne hes dead"

I know I shouldnt be thinking that hes dead, but i mean its hard not to when you always think about the worst possible things.

I felt like I needed a good nights sleep and i could tell that I was slowly falling asleep


 "Mrs. Payne, excuse me Mrs. Payne" I was shaken awake by a voice I didn't recognize

"Yes" i said, my eyes finally working and realizing where I was

"Your Fiancee is going to be alright"

"Oh" i let out a big sigh, which was a relif

"He is not going to be able to lift his right arm for awhile because of where the bullet entered but other then that he will be fine. He will have to wear a sling on his right arm for about a month just to make sure he doesnt move it but once the month is over then he can take it off and assume life normally" He said which made me feel alot better

"I can't help to notice that your expecting, how far along are you" he asked

"Im just about 8 months" I said as i rubbed my stomach and Elizabeth began to kick and i couldnt help but let out a giggle

"Would you like to see him"

"Absolutely" i said as I turned around and realized everybody who came with me was standing there listening

"Can they come too" i asked as i gestured toward the boys

"Family only, im sorry" he said

I looked at the boys

"These are his brothers" i said

"Ok then i assume they can go back with you"

The boys all smiled at me and brought me into a hug  each one of them rubbing my stomach once they were finished

"When we get to his room can ijust have a minute alone with him" i asked

"Of course" They all said


We arrived to his room and I lost it i ran in and we met in a long kiss

"Im so happy your ok" i said wrapping my hands around his neck

"Me too" he said as he brought his muscular hand over to my stomach and started rubbing it

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow you should come since you obviously cant go on tour now" i said and his eyes changed and he got a strange look on his face

"Is everything ok"

"Its just that Simon said once the doctors clear me were still going to go on tour and well just extend the dates" he said

"Ok well ill just break your other arm come here" i said as i leaned over the bed reaching for his arm then he pulled me in and kissed me on the cheek

"Im sorry" he said giggling "but you cant do that" and he took his free hand and started tickling me in my armpit

I was tossing and turning around in the bed and i fell off and landed on my stomach

"Ow" i said

"Liam" i said and I could feel the fear rising in my voice "Something doesn't feel right"


 Wow you guys! 1.07k reads, Thats amazing!!!!!! sorry i havent updated in so long and if this chapter gets 100 reads and 2 favorites by 7 pm tonight then ill post another chapter!!

You guys are so amazing, thanks again!

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