8 || Pain

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(Liams POV)

Its been 1 week. 1 week since my precious Lindsay has opened her eyes. 1 week since ive pressed my lips against hers. 1 week since shes told me shes loved me. And one week since ive heard her talk about our baby.

The doctors are telling me things arent good, but they say the baby should be fine. If Lindsay doesnt wake up in 3 weeks though, they are going to take her off the machines and deliver the baby. They said the baby would be fine, but that is if Lindsay wakes up. If Lindsay doesnt wake up, and the deliver the baby the chances of the baby surviving are slim to nothing.

Ive been in her hospital room since we arrived and I havent left her side once. The boys keep telling me I should eat and all of that stuff and that Lindsay would want me to be taking care of myself but I just cant wrap my head around the thought that I might not have my Lindsay.

The Doctors did an ultrasound the other day and I got to see our little girl. Lindsay obviously wasnt awake to see it though.

The boys have been really nice and respect that I want to be alone with Lindsay for a while.

2 days ago though, I was holding Lindsays hand and she all of the sudden grabbed my hand really tight. Then after that the machines started beeping really loud, and she flatlined. A nurse ran in and pushed the button that said "Code Blue" and all of the people started running in with different things, but the one that scared me the most was the crash cart.

They started talking and saying doctor stuff "Give her this", "give her that" and I was just stamding there screaming her name until a rude doctor said "Get him out of here". The nurses tried to pull me and I told them I wasnt leaving her side.

They let me stay but told me to not be alarmed when they started using the crash cart. The made her body jolt 3 times before her heart rate finially went back to normal. 

I cant describe how I felt in that moment, and how scared I was.

I guess when they have a code blue, they announce it through the hospital and say what floor its on. Once the boys heard that, and heard what floor they immediately ran up the stairs to floor 3 and found out that it was Lindsay.

(Perrie's POV)

"Code blue floor 3" "Code blue floor 3" is what all of the boys and I heard through the intercom for the hospital. "Lindsay's on floor 3 isnt she" Niall asked

"Crap, yes she is" I said

We all grabbed our things and left our trays at the table so we could go see if it was Lindsay. We ran over to the elevator but decided that it would take to long so we went to plan B and ran up the stairs.

We finially reached Lindsays room and realised that it was in fact, her. Liam was trying to be pushed out by nurses once we got there but he refused to leave.

We all watched as someone that we had grown to love and was our really good freind flatlined with no heartbeat. The doctors were doing everything they could and she finially got a heartbeat back on the monitor.

-Present Day-

(Liam's POV)

I was singing to Lindsay our first song thatv we pretty much ever wrote "What makes you beautiful" when she suddenly started singing with me.


OMG you guys im so sorry for not updating in soo long. I've had terrible writers block. This chapter was only 631 words and I usually write over 1000 words :(

This chapter is literally so crappy im so mad at myself. Ill try to update again today but idk.

Guys 51 reads, that amazing!!! Thank you all soooo much :)

You guys are the best... Love you all!

-Melody XX

I updated this on Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

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