2 || Baby love

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I scrambled through the kitchen to find something to eat. I had woken up late and had to go to perries ultrasound with her today and didn't want to make her late.

I had finished cooking my oatmeal and was sitting on the counter eating it when I felt 2 muscular hands on my waist, which scared the crap out of me.

"Babe." Liam said


"Why are you up so early, what are you doing."

"Well", I said "Last night at the announcement party, Perrie had asked me to come to an ultrasound with her today, just a checkup."

"Oh, ok, how long will you be gone?" He asked

"Not to long, it should only be about 1 hour, ill let you know if anything changes."

"Ok, see you later."

 I finished eating my oatmeal and walked over to the sink and gently placed the bowl in. I turned around and raced up the stairs as fast as I could like I was racing somebody but I really wasn't. I giggled to myself when I got up to the top of the stairs.

"Someone making you laugh?' Liam said, he's getting really good at scaring me this morning

"Nope, just myself."

Then Liam ran over to me and threw me over his shoulder. He ran into our bedroom and threw me on the bed. He began to kiss me and even though I wanted to stay and let this continue, I had to go get ready for Perrie because I already late.

"Liam." I said after I pulled away "I have to get ready."

Liam put on a pout face and said "Ok" like a little 5 year old.


I pulled my range rover into a parking lot that had a big sign that said "Loves ultrasounds and pregnancy testing" Perrie was in the seat next to me as soon as we turned into the parking lot, she grew pale.

"Whats wrong love?" I asked

"Just, what if something's wrong with the baby or Zayn doesn't make it on time or-"

"Perrie", I said cutting her off "Everything is going to be fine and Zayn will make it here I promise." I said and grabbed her hand "You ready?"

"Yes" She turned her head and smiled back at me she was her normal color again.

We unbuckled our seatbelts and I took the keys out of the ignition. We both got out of the car and the "Beep Beep." Signaled us to go inside. I opened the door for Perrie and followed her into the check-in counter.

"Hello." The lady said at the counter said

"Hi." Perrie and I said at the same time and started laughing

"Which one of you is expecting?" She asked and Perrie raised her hand. "Me" She said smiling from ear to ear. Perrie already had that pregnancy glow. She didn't know how far along she was and that's why I'm with her today.

"Let me guess" the lady said scrolling through her computer, "Are you Perrie Malik?"

"Yes" Perrie replied

"Ok, Perrie they'll call you back in a little while, just take a seat anywhere."

"Ok, thanks."

Perrie and I walked over to some seats and sat together. I pulled out my phone and went on twitter and saw that Perrie had posted the announcement


So excited to announce that there will be a baby Direction!! Don't know how far along or when I'm due but will find out tomorrow with @Lindsay__! I'm so excited to start the next chapter of my life with you! I love you so much @Zaynmalik

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