12 || Why now?

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Lindsay's POV

Liam and I had stayed the night at Perrie & Zayn's house to help out with the twins and so we could see what its going to be like when our little girl arrives.

It turns out its alot harder than I thought it was going to be. But I must say I am glad Perrie is the one who got twins and not me because I dont know if I could handle that.

I had just helped Perrie feed Molly when Liam asked if we could talk

"Sure" i said

I told Perrie iwould be back and Liam & I stepped into the extra room to talk

"What is this about" I asked

"I just got off of the phone with Simon and he said we have to go do a couple concerts and we will be gone for a month"

"What" i said "By then ill be 8 and a half months pregnant, what happens if I have the baby early and your not hear. Not to mention Zayns not going to want to leave his little babies"

"I know i feel bad for him" He said

"Why now" I asked

"Babe we havent had a tour since before you got pregnant, and that was almost 8 months ago. If we dont do a couple concerts every once and a while, then the fans will forget about us. I really dont want to leave but I knew this could happen when I took this job"

"Ill be scared without you" I said

"Why dont you see if you can stay with Perrie that way you can help with the twins and neither of you will get lonely"

"Thats a good idea" I said "But i still dont want you to go"

"I know baby" He said as he placed his hands on my stomach "But i promise no matter what it takes I will be back for our babies birth"

"Ok i trust you" i said

We leaned in and kissed for a couple of seconds and then we heard shouting


"I guess Simon called Zayn" i said

"Yep" Liam said

"But hey I have to leave in 2 days so lets make the most of it, lets finish the nursery and get everything bought for the baby so you wont have to worry about any of that" he said

"Ok lets go now and let Perrie and Zayn deal with this by themselves, they will probably want to talk about it alone"

I opened up the door and grabbed my purse and my Iphone from the kitchen then yelled to Perrie that we would be gone for a little bit

"Ok" she said "have fun"


We just pulled up to "Babies "R" us" which is my favorite place to get baby things for Elizabeth they have alot of good quality stuff

"So what do we need to get" Liam asked

"Well we have most of the little things, we just need to get the bigger things like a crib, highchair and carseat" I said

"Ok well when you were in the hospital I came here with the boys and looked at cribs, i took a picture of one I really liked hold on let me see if I can find it"

He pulled out his phone and started looking through his camera roll

"Here it is" he said holding his phone up so I could see it

"Oh thats beautiful i want that one" I said

We found the crib that we wanted and put it in our cart, the next thing we needed to get was a highchair

Liam and I both decided we wanted a floral type of highchair that looked really girly for our little princess

"I like this one" Liam said pointing to a highchair that had a pink backaround with flowers that were smiling

"Alright lets get it'

We put that in our cart as well and I mentally checked a highchair off my list of things we needed to get for Elizabeth

The last thing we needed was a car seat

"Do you think we should get 3" I asked "One for your car, one for mine and one for the van"

"Yes, that way we wont have to put the car seat in for everywhere we go"

"Do they make baby carseats for airplanes" i asked giggling because I knew it was a stupid question but this was my first child so its not like I knew

"Um" he said laughing "I would say no because most babies arent famous and will fly as much as ours will be"

I started laughing

"That is true" I said

We ended up getting 3 of the same car seats because there was only one that we both liked and you should have seen the look the cashier gave us when she rang up 3 of the same carseats

"Triplets" she asked

"Nope, just one but we have a bunch of different cars"

Her mouth formed an "o" shape and she continued to ring up the items without saying a word

We walked out of the store and I tried helping to load the baby stuff into Liam's car but he wouldnt let me

I did a puppy dog pouting face and he led me around the car and opened the passenger door for me

"Why thank you sir" I said and he leaned in and pecked me on the lips

God am i going to be able to make it without him? I thought


hey loves! since i havent updated in so long, I figured I would give you guys 2 updates (and there may be a 3rd!)

Thank you all for reading, enjoy!!

Love you all



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