💔 moving account 💔

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Sadly, I'm moving accounts, because I can no longer change my email!

I believed I have been pwned/hacked, since I cannot change my email, since my password I have been typing it in "incorrectly".

I have used a fake email, for privacy purposes, but it seems that someone was able to pwned/hack still.

Im sad that all my hard work, and 1-2 years of being on this app has gone to waste!

My new account will be @/ pierojisan !! (Newly created today)

I'm considering on continuing this story/fanfic, since so many of you seem to love it(in a way)!

I will either be doing oneshots or continuing to make it YOUR story, like how it is now!

Please let me know which you prefer, by sending a text to my new account!

I will no longer receive any messages from here, so I won't be able to see your guy's funny comments, feedbacks, and disappointment at some parts!

I love you guys, and truly appreciate your support and love for this story truly!

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