"No!" Changkyun cried out, face red and stained with tears. The poor kid was so shaken up that he didn't let it go with some of Kihyun's chocolate bars like he usually would. He didn't like the idea at all. "But Kyun, it will be super fun!"

Minhyuk, of course, was trying as well, but it seemed like the man could not take his son's tantrum anymore and was in the verge of tears himself. Kihyun did not need to be a psychic in order to know this was so stressful for Minhyuk. His family depended on how today turned out and the discussion was not taking a nice turn.

Someone needed to be stern with this child for his own good. Changkyun didn't get it, but he had to cooperate, so Kihyun straightened up, wiped his palms on his pants and placed his hands on his hips, raising his voice a little. "Changkyun. Do you want to stay with your uncle? I can call him right now. If you are going to treat your father like that, we might as well send you to someone who doesn't mind this behavior."

Just like magic, Changkyun swallowed his tears and laid face down on the floor with his forearms against his eyes, still sniffling, but not bawling his eyes out like he was before. Kihyun had never been this stern and it made him want to apologize to the kid immediately, but for the sake of Minhyuk, he didn't. He just let him calm down.

Just as Changkyun wiped his eyes and sat up, Minhyuk looked at Kihyun with glossy eyes. He placed his hand against his back and rubbed it gently, making Kihyun's heart do all sorts of flips and turns, sending a rush of heat up to his cheeks.

They both looked at each other, then down at the upset toddler, deciding it was time for him to go to bed.

Minhyuk was the one to pick the baby up, who immediately clung onto his shoulders, whining tiredly. As he was being taken into his bedroom, Kihyun followed closely behind, stopping at the door when the single father changed Changkyun's clothes and tucked him in bed, kissing his forehead before walking towards Kihyun and closing the door.

Minhyuk quickly took Kihyun's hand and laced their fingers, guiding him downstairs. This unconscious action made the younger to bite his lip softly so as to hold back a surprised gasp; such a simple gesture, yet so powerful.

They were now both in the kitchen, drinking some water when Minhyuk spoke up. "I don't know if I want to do this, Kihyun." The mentioned tilted his head in confusion, "what? Keep your child?" He frowned, what the hell was Minhyuk talking about? "No, Ki, I don't want him to be away from me." The father sighed quietly as he rested his forehead down against Kihyun's chest.

Minhyuk was clingier than usual and it was driving Kihyun crazy.

But still, he thought nothing of it and took his hand to awkwardly pat the elder's head. "It will be fine; the people there will take good care of him. I bet they have dealt with worse." Minhyuk sighed, nodding his head, now wrapping his arms around Kihyun's waist.

'Oh my god.'


'Oh my fucking god!'

Minhyuk was frustrated, to say the least. Right when he had built up the courage to make a move on the younger, turned out he was the densest person in the world.

He had been pretty touchy, but Kihyun never reciprocated the way Minhyuk had desired him to. Was he not being obvious enough? So he decided to take a little step further. If it failed, it would ruin everything they had both built up and in the worst of the cases, his brother's relationship with Kihyun best friend. No, he was not being dramatic.

Minhyuk raised his head a little for it to be on the other's shoulder, 'it's now or never, Minhyuk,' he moved his face more into the crook of Kihyun's neck, brushing his lips against the younger's skin. The photographer tensed up slightly but gently gripped Minhyuk's hair. No negative reaction. The father took this as an opportunity to place a proper kiss to the smallest's neck, who whispered out "Minhyuk."

He looked up at Kihyun, whispering back, "tell me you don't want this and I'll stop." Seconds passed and there was no reply from the man against the counter. His grip on the other's hair only grew tighter. So Minhyuk did what Kihyun was asking for and kissed his neck again, this time, his lips trailed up to the other's jaw, cheek and, eventually, the corner of his lips.

Kihyun was not protesting, but the taller wanted to make sure he had consent to kiss the most sensitive part of one's body. "May I?"

Kihyun nodded.

What had to happen eventually, finally did. Minhyuk pulled his face away a few centimeters, before crashing his lips against Kihyun's, and boy was he craving it.

His lips were everything he wanted; they were smooth, they were sweet.

They were Kihyun's.

And that's all that mattered in the moment.

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳

A/N: okay you guys..... IT FINALLY HAPPENEDDDDDDDDDD this book will get juicy as heck, I promise!!!

Alsooooo, I have many ideas for a showki and a hyungkyun story.

Oh! and tell me if you like the shorter or the longer chapters better :)

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