Chapter Twenty

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Virgil and Patton jumped apart, faces redder than the color red itself.

Thomas just smiled, not knowing what he just did.

"Uh," All eyes were wide open, Virgil hoping the man didn't see anything, "P-Pizza. Cheese. For b-both of us."

"Ok! What about to drink?" Thomas wrote it down.

"Water." Patton said, looking down at his skirt with a big intrest.

"Me too." Virgil said.

"Right," Thomas wrote that down, looking back up, "It'll be out in just a sec!" And he walked to the kitchen.

It was an awkward silence when Thomas left. Virgil started to make a small web, Patton playing with his hair.

"I'm," Patton cleared his throat, "sorry.. about that.." He gave Virgil a sheepish smile.

Virgil shook its head, "No, it's fine-"

"No, I don't know what came over me," Patton groaned, "I've been weird lately, sorry."

"Weird?" Virgil said, "How so?"

Patton's face went even redder, "N-Nothing, nevermind!" He laughed nervously. It's because he's becoming so obsessed with it. He wants to hug, touch, kiss it, just something.

Virgil gave him a look, but shrugged.
"Your dad was in a accident?" Virgil asked Patton.

He nodded, "Emile, he lost his arm and leg to an explosion in a building."

Virgil straightened, concern all over its expression, "Woah, are you.. ok?"

Patton giggled, laying his head back on its shoulder, "It was before my dad and I met him, so I'm not traumatized or anything."

"Besides, he has a prosthetic arm and leg, apparently his grandfather is rich." He sighed in content, hiding his face in the crook of Virgil's neck.

Virgil felt its heart beat faster, face red. It hesitantly layed its own head on his, relaxing at the familiar scent.

Patton hummed, wrapping his arms around it, "Mm, this is nice."

Virgil nodded.

Thomas eventually came back with a big tray of pizza and two waters. The two separated, but Virgil kept Patton close.

"Here we are!" He chirped, setting it down, then the drinks, "Just holler if you need anything else! I'll just be serving."

"Ok." Patton said, picking up a slice, "Thank you!"

"Thanks." Virgil mumbled. It wasn't exactly happy that Thomas ruined yet another moment between them.

The man walked to another table.

Patton bit on his pizza, moaning at the taste, "Yum! This place really does have good food," he moaned after swallowing.

Virgil snorted, "Best food you'll ever eat." It picked up its own slice, biting into it.

"Mm-" Patton swallowed his third bite, "Do you wanna go somewhere after this?"

Virgil nodded, "Yeah, I was planning to take you shopping." It really felt bad for not buying anything for him. Roman would probably be disappointed.

"Oh," Patton set his slice down, "I.. only brought enough money to pay for this.."

"Excuse me?" Virgil hissed, bringing its hands to his cheeks, squishing his face, "Like hell you're paying," it let go, "Besides, I have enough money to buy you something."

"Mm, I don't know.." Patton trailed off, but Virgil took his hand, "Patton, let me buy something for you. It's the nice thing to do."

Patton's cheeks went a little pink, "O-Ok." was all he could say.

Virgil smiled, its fangs slightly showing, and then bit another bite.
"That was good! I should tell my dad's about this place," Patton said when the two stepped out, twirling his skirt.

Virgil laughed, "Yeah, it's really nice. No hate towards race, species, or sexuality. Just an open, accepting place."

Patton nodded, "What I like about it."

Virgil took out its phone, "Do you wanna go to the mall?"

"The mall?" Patton gasped, "Yes!"

Virgil smiled, "Let's go,"

The two began to walk down the side walk, talking about whatever came to mind again.

A lady was walking towards them. As soon as she saw Patton, her face turned to disgust.

"Excuse me," She stopped the two. Virgil immediately looked annoyed. This random lady was interrupting its date.

"Yes?" Patton asked politely.

She looked even more disgusted, "So you are a boy," she looked down at his skirt, "Boys do not wear skirts."

Patton's polite expression changed to a nervous, uncomfortable one, "Oh.." he whispered, hugging himself.

Virgil's hate for this lady grew. It wrapped a bottom leg around him, bringing him close as it raised its two top legs threateningly and hissed at her.

She looked terrified, stepping back, "Of course a c-creature would defend someone like you."

"Shut. Up." Virgil growled, "Just so you know, I'm a poisonous spider." it grinned, purposely showing its fangs.

She went pale, and quickly walked off, looking behind her multiple time.

Virgil relaxed when she was out of sight, and went to console the boy, "Pat- oof-"

Patton hugged him tightly, burying his face in its shirt, "Thank you, thank you thank you thank you."

Virgil hugged back, "Aw, Patton, of course. I'm here to protect you."

It hissed, wishing it bit that lady, "Anyone can wear whatever they feel comfortable in. And if you like skirts, wear them. I won't let anyone else hurt you."

Patton looked back up with tears in his eyes, but he was smiling, "You're the best."

Virgil's face heated up, "I wouldn't say that," it mumbled, wiping away the tears. It didn't like Patton crying, but even with tears he looked beautiful.

"Let's go," it said, pulling away, but it offered Patton to take its hand. Patton beamed, grabbing its hand and intertwining their fingers together, "Ok."

They continued their walk. Anyone who gave Patton more than two looks, it raised its two legs, all eyes open and glaring at them, and fangs visible, but no hiss. Just a threatening, warning position.

They'd look away and speed off.

It's sad it had to do this thirteen times before they arrived at the mall.

Patton was clearly excited, "Eeee! I can buy a cute doggo plushie!"

Virgil chuckled, "I should buy more hair dye," it blew at its bangs, "It's fading."

Patton squealed, "Let's go!~" he cheered, dragging Virgil with him.

Virgil laughed along with him, his cheery attitude contagious.

It really likes this boy, huh? What did it do to deserve him?

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