Chapter Twenty-Three

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When Virgil went home, it couldn't stop smiling and beaming. Janus and Remus immediately noticed its unusually happy mood, but decided to try and ignore it.

But at dinner, Remus of course couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Virgil, why the fuck are you so happy?" Remus asked, his tentacles wrapping around his child's arm, trying to comfort it, "What happened to you being edgy and shit?"

Janus sighed, pinching the brink of his nose in disappointment, "Of course you have to say something."

Remus glared at him, but looked back at Virgil, waiting for an answer.

Virgil giggled, "I can't tell you yet! We said we'd keep it a secret from our parents and the school!" But not from Logan and Roman, they're friends, it's different.

Remus pouted, "No fun."

"Get over it," Janus hissed, turning to Virgil with a smile, "You enjoy your secret."

Virgil nodded, "Mhm!" it quickly finished dinner, putting up its dishes before running to its room, shutting the door.

It squealed, never feeling such happiness before. It has a boyfriend! And eventually, a mate! Nothing could ever make it happier!

The spider part of Virgil was very happy with it, but it still wants to claim Patton as their's completely.

"One step at a time," Virgil mumbled to itself, but couldn't help but begin to daydream about the future with Patton.

Would they marry? Live together? Possibly have kids of their own?

Virgil shook its head, calm down there. The two could split apart any time they'd want.

That.. made Virgil not happy.

It sat on its bed, beginning to fiddle with a web. Its phone lit up, so it swiped it open.

Patton: Hey! I just wanted to talk haha

Virgil: hey Patton, i'm ok with talking

Patton: Ok!

Patton: Wanna maybe call?

Virgil: sure

Not too long after, Patton called it, it picking up. The two started talking, and didn't hang up until well into night.
As soon as Remus dropped off Virgil, it bolted to school, not wanting to stay away from Patton for a second.

"Uh, bye?" Remus said, very confused, before driving off to work.

Virgil looked at the tree that its friends would hang around. It was met with disappointment when it saw Patton wasn't there yet, nor was Logan.

Instead, Roman was talking with some guy, the boy seemed to look flustered, while Roman had a confidant grin.

Virgil walked over, "Uh, hey," it greeted, uncomfortable that someone it didn't know was here.

"Oh! Hey Virge!" Roman smiled, "This cutie is Dylann," he added with a flirtatious tone.

"H-Hi! I'm Dylann, nice to meet you! You can just call me Din for short," the human offered his hand.

"Virgil, same here," Virgil shook its hand, observing the human's look.

The boy had black-grey hair and dark skin, his eyes were a bright blue, almost like Patton's. He was wearing a black t-shirt that had 'TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS' on it in white, with black shorts and white tennis shoes.

"I met Dylann at the park yesterday," Roman said with a small smile, "He helped me when I wasn't.. in my best state. Then he said we go to the same school! How awsome is that?"

Virgil nodded, "Mhm,"

Virgil heard footsteps behind it and a familiar scent. Logan came into view, reading a book as they walked, then sitting down by Roman, leaning against the tree and him.

Roman bit his lip, awkwardly shuffling away. Logan caught themselves before falling, looking up at him in confusion before looking at the boy.

Virgil felt very awkward in this situation, silently praying to whatever being out there that Patton arrives soon.

"Er, Logan! This is Dylann!" Roman introduced.

Dylann's eyes went wide, "You're Logan?" he asked. Logan nodded, "I'm Logan, they/them pronouns."

Dylann smiled nervously, "Roman told me a bit about you. N-Nothing bad!" he quickly reassured.

Logan nodded, going back to their book, shuffling closer to Roman until they were leaning against him again.

Roman fiddled with his sleeve, looking at Virgil for help.

Virgil shook its head, continuing on making a webbed rose out of boredom.

Roman wanted so badly to sit down with Logan and wrap their arm around them like he usually does. But he can't.

Logan was also very confused as to why Roman wasn't doing what he usually. Was it because a kid was here?

Roman swallowed, moving away from Logan once more and standing closer to Dylann, making the boy's face go red.

Logan scowled, not liking that Roman is refusing to be by him and is instead closer to the random kid.

Virgil immediately looked up when ut was hit with a familiar scent it became addicted to.

"Hey!" Patton shouted, running up to them, stopping by Virgil to catch his breath.

Virgil chuckled, "You good?" it asked in amusement .

Patton nodded, smiling brightly, "Hey Virgil," he said in a small, shy voice.

"Hey," Virgil repeated, wrapping two spider legs around him, bringing him close to its side.

Patton then noticed the new face, "Oh! Hello!" Patton beamed, "Nice to see you Dylann!"

"Y-Yeah! N-Nice to see you too." Dylann smiled back, his face still red from how close Roman is.

"You know each other?" Virgil questioned, moving Patton to its chest, wrapping all limbs around him instead, hugging him from behind.

"Yep yep! We worked on a project together," Patton chirped.

Dylann nodded, "H-How is your dad doing?" he asked.

"He's fine," Patton said, bringing his arms to hug Virgil's arms back.

Logan shut their book rather loudly, standing back up, "If you'll excuse me, I have to go speak to a teacher about a worksheet. Goodbye." they stated, glaring at the ground as they quickly walked off inside.

Roman sighed, "We have a few minutes before class, let's all relax, yeah?"

Virgil didn't let Patton go, dragging him down with it, setting him on its lap as it snuggled him, Patton happily snuggling back.

Dylann sat down next to Roman, "Do they always act all.. lovey dovey?" he asked.

Roman smirked, "Yep, and they aren't even dating. Rather annoying if you ask me."

Dylann nodded. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, before he hesitantly and slowly layed his head on Roman's shoulder with a blush.

Roman allowed him, wrapping an arm around the other's shoulder.

It's weird.

His heart doesn't beat faster doing this with Dylann as it does for Logan.

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