Chapter Seventeen

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Virgil was impatiently waiting for class to be over. It had this class with Logan, but not Patton. Which pissed it off.

"Virgil," Logan snapped their fingers, "We need to focus if we want to finish this."

Virgil hissed at them, "I'm trying to think! Give me a second!"

The two were in a group, working together.

Logan sighed, "And here I thought you were different from the other two." They muttered.

Virgil hissed again, but jumped when it felt someone poked one of its legs. It turned around, looking at the human girl.

She was looking at the leg with curiosity. She had dyed red, short hair. She wore pink glasses with a white shirt with blue swirls and jeans.

"Excuse you?" Virgil raised its legs in a threatening manner, "Need something?"

"Oh, sorry," She said, not at all sounding sorry, "I just never seen a spider creature before. Why do you only have four spider legs and not eight?"

"Uhh," Virgil looked over at Logan, who only shrugged.

"Do your human arms and legs count, adding four to make it eight?" She looked up at Virgil, looking at its eyes, "Why do you have six eyes?"

Virgil hissed, feeling rather offended. Instead of her taking it as a threat, she looked at its fangs, "Oh! Are those fangs? Are they poisonous?"

Virgil began to grow irritated that she wasn't leaving it alone, "Yes, they're poisonous. And you'll find out just how poisonous if you keep the offensive questions going." It hissed again.

She looked back at it, "What? Offensive? I'm being offensive?"

"Very." Virgil growled.

"Oh," She looked down confused, "I didn't mean to come off that way, I'm sorry."

"Virgil," Logan interrupted the two, "We need to work."

The girl went red when she looked at Logan, "L-Logan! I-I didn't know you were h-here.." She fumbled with the bottom of her shirt.

Logan hummed, "Yes, I am present. And you are distracting us from our work. You can talk after class."

She nodded, but didn't move.

Logan looked around, "Where is your partner?"

"Ah," She rubbed her arm, "He went to the nurse to go home, so I don't really.."

Logan and Virgil sighed. The polite thing to do would be to invite her to their group.

But the two don't like talking to people.

They cast a glance at each other before Logan decided for them, "You can join our group."

The girl brightened, "T-Thank you!" She hurriedly pulled up a chair, "Ok, so, what state are we doing?"

"Delaware." Virgil answered, keeping its spider legs close.

The girl looked at it again, then smiled, "We should introduce each other. My name is Violet."

"Virgil." It greeted.

Logan made no point to introduce themself, seeing as Violet already knew their name.

"So, how informative are you on Delaware?" They asked Violet. She beamed, "Plenty! My grandmother grew up there."

Logan moved their paper closer to her,"You can write what we have to catch up."

Violet nodded, looking at the paper, then writing it down. After a few minutes, she moved the paper back to Logan.

"Ok," Logan "Shall we begin?"

The three began to work, Violet and Logan doing most of the work. Virgil didn't mean for that to happen, but it was having a lot of trouble focusing without Patton near it.

"Is he ok?" Violet whispered to Logan, adjusting her glasses.

Virgil's leg was bouncing impatiently as it watched the clock tick by, thinking of where Patton was.

"He's having trouble focusing without i- his mate." Logan simply answered, looking back down at the paper and book.

Violet oh'd, looking back at her paper with a smile, "That must be nice."

"What is?" They looked at the small girl. She giggled nervously, "Having someone think about you and worry about you. Must be nice.."

She scooted closer to Logan with pink cheeks. Logan felt their own face heat up at how close she was.

The bell then rung.

Virgil immediately set off, not bothering to wave bye or wait for the nerd.

Logan huffed, "Love sick spider.." they muttered, quickly gathering their things to follow it.
Virgil was dodging everyone in its way, searching for the familiar boy.

It hissed when a human boy gave it a weird look, the boy backing up with a frightened look.

Why was it so upset when it isn't around Patton? It's not like the two are together or anything.

But Virgil was going crazy without Patton. It needs Patton around it.

Virgil was hit with a wave of Patton's scent. Virgil felt itself relax at the scent. It followed it, looking around for him.

It eventually found him.

Its soon-to-be mate.

Patton was picking up his books and binders that he dropped.

Virgil rushed over, "Are you ok?" It immediately asked, helping him. Patton yelped in surprise, but smiled when he saw who it was.

"Yeah, I just dropped them on accident, clumsy me!" He giggled, taking what Virgil gave to him.

Virgil hummed then perked up, "Here," it took the items from Patton, and began to wrap a web around them. Not enough for it to be too sticky where Patton wouldn't be able to remove it, but enough where it would hold the items together.

"Oh!" Patton took it back with a pink face, "T-Thank you!"

"No problem." Of course Virgil would help him. How could it not?

Virgil then frowned. Patton looked up at it, "Is something wrong?"

Virgil hissed, wrapping both of its right legs around Patton, pulling him close. Patton squeaked, "V-Virgil?"

"Let's go." Virgil began walking, dragging Patton with it.

Patton stumbled after it, blushing a bright red. He doesn't know why, but Virgil doing these things to him and to no one else, makes him really happy.

He giggled again, snuggling once again into Virgil's side. Virgil liked that, squeezing his sides as it went on about the girl it met, though it couldn't remember her name.

Patton sighed, he's looking forward to that date.

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