Chapter Two

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"Oh! Another time, she accidentally brought her two pet frogs!" Roman said excitedly. They were heading to first period.

"Two frogs?" Virgil asked in disbelief. How could anyone keep a frog as a pet? Patton giggled, "I'm sure you'll love her Virgil, she's a great teacher. And if you tell her your pronouns, she'll remember to call you by them." Patton added with a smile.

Virgil shifted. It isn't use to telling other people. It only told these three because they all said their perfered pronouns, so that obviously meant they wouldn't care.

Logan looked back at it, noticing that it was uncomfortable, "You do not have to if you don't want to. And we won't tell anyone without your permission." They reassured. They could understand where Virgil was coming from. It's difficult for some people to accept you.

Virgil nodded, "Thanks, I'd rather not have anyone else know yet.." it mumbled, opening all of its eyes, then closing two while four remained open.

Logan nodded, returning to listening to the princely boy go on about how he's in theater. It's cute, for lack of a better word.

Patton couldn't help but keep staring into Virgil's eyes. Its eyes were just so beautiful. They were a deep purple, mixed in with a black and dark, dark, blue.

Virgil noticed, and felt like he was silently judging, so it quickly closed the two eyes at the bottom. Patton frowned, "I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, your eyes are just.. beautiful."

Virgil snapped its attention to Patton. No one besides its parents as told it that its eyes were beautiful  Virgil couldn't help but blush, "O-Oh, thanks.."

Patton smiled. Seeing Virgil blush like that because of something he said, made him happy.

Virgil wrapped its spider legs around itself, to avoid hitting a human that was walking by. It would probably have to do this a lot.

The four finally arrived to the classroom. Logan cleared their throat, "You can sit with us in the front if you wish. I would like to get to know you, I can't say the same for the others." They grabbed the doorknob, opening and stepping into the classroom.

Roman rolled his eyes, "That's adorable nerd. Trust us, we all want to get to know you." Roman smiled before stepping in after.

Patton gave its shoulder a pat, "We'll be here if you need anything." He smiled softly, waiting for Virgil to step in first.

Virgil nodded, stepping into the room with Patton just behind it. The classroom looked like a regular classroom. Some kids were already there, chatting or doing something by themselves.

"Over here, we sit near the front." Patton said, dragging the spider with him. Logan and Roman were sitting side by side, Roman by the window. Patton sat behind Logan, leaving Virgil to sit behind Roman by the window as well. Which it did.

It sat its bag down, stretching its spider legs. The end almost scratched Patton, but Virgil didn't seem to notice. It layed the legs behind it passively, creating a web to fidget with.

Some time later, a female adult came in. She had short blonde hair, and was rather small. But she had a kind smile, "Hello class! The school has finally allowed creatures to come to the school. So we have a few new students."

Many humans started to whisper, the four other creatures, including Virgil, just looked uncomfortable.

She raised her hand to silence them, "We are to treat the creatures with respect. They are all just as important as you. If I hear that any of you are rude to them, you'll be heading straight to the principal's office."

A human snorted. She sighed, "But, that doesn't mean the creatures can be rude back."

A female creature, who had bear ears rolled her eyes, raising her claws to scratch her ears.

"So to those new students," The teacher began, "Welcome! My name is Ms. Smith. I hope you have a great time here. Since there are new students, I figured we could have a day ro relax! Get to know everyone a bit more."

Some kids cheered, including Roman. Logan groaned, closing their textbook. Patton giggled. Virgil opened all of its eyes, trying to focus them on the pencil in front of it.

"So," A voice began, causing Virgil to close to two bottom ones. It looked up at Logan, "Are your parents spiders?"

Virgil shook its head, "No. I have two dads who adopted me. My biological parents are either dead or alive." It shrugged, "I was found in a bush, then brought to the hospital."

The three had a look of pity, but Patton could kind of understand, "I have two dads too! One is my biological dad. My mom left when I was little."

Virgil opened all of its eyes again, focusing on Patton. He didn't seem bothered by that. So it shrugged, closing four eyes.

"Sooo, are your parents humans or..?" Roman asked, rotating his hand as he spoke. Virgil shook its head, "One is a snake, the other an octopus. Janus and Remus."

Logan nodded, "My mother is a business women, my father a stay-at-home dad." They smiled, as if recalling a nice memory.

Roman sighed, "My parents are strict as hell. They don't like anyone who isn't 'perfect'. Which means creatures and.." Roman trailed off.

"And people in the LGBT+ community." Logan finished for him, a look of sympathy on their face. Patton smiled gently at him, while Virgil frowned. It knew people didn't like others who aren't cis or straight, but the idea of one of its friends having to deal with this-

Wait, friends?

Virgil looked up, seeing Logan talking about theater instead, trying to distract Roman. Virgil cleared its throat, the three looking at it, "Uh- I just had to clarify.."

It started to make a pencil out of its webs, copying what the real one looks like, "That we are.. friends?" Virgil said it like a question.

Patton giggled, "Of course we are friends!"

Logan nodded, "Yes, we would like to befriend you. If you wish for the same, that is."

Roman snorted, "Like h- it will have a choice! It is our friend and that's that."

Virgil chuckled, "Heh, I would love to be your friend." It smiled at them. Patton felt his heart flutter. Virgil smiling and laughing is a sight to see.

Patton thought for a second. Could this be love at first sight? Didn't Lo say that didn't exist?

Gusse he'll just get to know the spider before jumping to anything.

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