Chapter Twenty-Four

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Logan stormed through the hall, absolutely furious.

How dare Roman just- get all lovey dovey with this random ass kid! What made him do it?!

More importantly, why did Logan even care this much?

They've never felt such anger before, they've never wanted to actually hurt someone. And it was all because of Roman.

Was it Roman, this kid, or Logan's fault for feeling this way?

..they decided all three.

Logan groaned, it isn't their business who Roman decides to flirt with, unless the person could be toxic to him.

In their fit of anger, they accidentally bumped into someone, making the person fall.

"Oh, I apologize," Logan looked down at a very familiar girl. They offered a hand.

"It's ok!" she replied, "It was my fault, I was too deep into my bo-" she cut herself off when she looked up at them.

"L-Logan!" she squeaked.

"Yes, my name is Logan," they said.

Her face turned even more red, "Ah jeez I-I'm so sorry I bumped into you!" she apologized again.

Logan squinted at her, why is she so familiar?

"It is alright, I am unharmed, now please either accept my help or get up on your own," Logan deadpanned, "My arm is getting tired."

She squeaked again, hesitantly taking their hand, letting them help her get up. Logan picked her book up for her as well.

"You are ready Harry Potter?" they asked, handing it back to her, "Specifically the first volume?"

She nodded, "M-My family is too poor to afford any of the other volumes.. and I-I'm scared to talk to the librarian both at this school and in town.."

Logan tsked, "Well, I suppose I will have to assist you in getting another volume."

It was unacceptable that a Harry Potter fan couldn't finish the book series because of money and social anxiety.

She squeaked yet again, "R-Really? I'm s-sorry to bother you!" she hid her red face behind her book.

"I offered, so you are not bothering me." Logan reassured, taking the lead to the library, not waiting on her to catch up.

When she did, she was still very nervous around them.

Logan wasn't sure why they were helping a girl they don't remember, they suppose they wanted something to do.

The library is their safe zone as well. They were good friends with the librarian.

When the two arrived, Logan opened the door for her, letting her in first, then following.

"Greetings Dr. Will." Logan greeted.

Dr. Will looked up from her desk, smiling kindly at Logan, "Hello Logan, did you already finish the book you got yesterday?"

Dr. Will use to be a doctor, but retired and became a school librarian after an accident. She kept the title 'Dr.'.

"I did not, I had homework to do," they turned to the shy girl behind them, "I am helping her get the second volume to the Harry Potter series."

Despite the author being transphobic, the book series is still very good.

Dr. Will nodded, "Go on then, I won't bother you any longer." and she went right back to writing something down.

Logan lead the girl to the fiction section, knowing exactly where to look.

They pulled out the book, she was lucky someone hasn't checked it out yet.

"Here you are," Logan handed it to her.

"T-Thank you," she mumbled shyly, slowly walking up to the desk, giving the librarian the book.

"C-Can I.. uh.." she swallowed built up spit, "Can I check this out please?" she whispered.

Dr. Will kept her smile, "Sure sweetie, what's your number?"

"Uh.. it's.." she whispered too quietly for Logan to hear, and Dr. Will seemed to have trouble hearing it too, but she typed it down.

"Violet Beesley?" she ask for clarification.

The girl nodded.

Oh, so she was the girl who worked with Virgil and them on the group work.

Dr. Will gave the book back, "Here you are, have a good day! And goodbye Logan."

"Goodbye Dr. Will," Logan responded, turning to Violet, "Let's go."

As soon as they were out, Violet let out an excited squeak, "Eeek! I did it! I talked to someone who I hardly know!"

Logan couldn't help but give her a small smile, "Good job, it is important to get over our anxiety, so we can live a life as normal as possible."

Violet giggled, "Y-Yeah, I have a lot of anxiety, I don't really know why, I-I just do."

"Oh," Logan perked up, "It's actually interesting how anxiety works. I could talk about it sometime with you."

Violet squeaked, her face going back to a bright red, "Y-Yeah! Uh, do you.. uhm.."

She hid behind the book she just got, "W-Wanna.. s-sit with m-me at l-lunch..?"

Logan was about to immediately decline politely, they were going to say they already have a group of friends to sit with. But they could offer she sits with them.

But then they remembered that kid who was hanging around Roman.

They did notice Violet being alone at lunch, actually, she seems to be alone all the time.

Logan knew what it was like to be alone.

"Sure," They nodded, giving her another small smile, "I would like to sit with you."

Violet did a happy squeak, she was practically beaming, "Yay! I'm always one of the first people in there, s-so just find me!"

Logan nodded, "I'll see you later, goodbye Violet."

"B-Bye Logan!" She said in a squeaky voice, hurrying off.

Logan couldn't help but find it cute the way she behaves.
The first class was awkward and stressful for the four.

For different reasons.

Virgil was struggling to contain itself and not just get up, pick Patton up, and set it on its lap.

Patton was struggling with figuring out how to tell his friends that him and Virgil were now dating, and might even become mates.

Roman was struggling to just be near Logan, he denied it, but he felt guilty for treating Logan differently this morning.

Logan was struggling with how they'd tell their friends that they are going to sit with someone else.

Virgil hissed quietly, it wasn't able to pay attention to class while it was battling against its spider part of its mind.

Patton took notice of his partner's attitude, and it didn't take him long to figure out what it is.

He couldn't help but to giggle to himself. He found it adorable how Virgil always wanted to be near him.

He leaned forward, sitting on his knees instead, and carefully took Virgil's hand that was near the window.

Virgil jumped slightly, but smiled, squeezing the hand.

That was one issue solved.

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